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Name:Rufus Castle, Portland
Type of Record:Listed Building
HER Number:MDO6505
Last edited:May 19 2017 1:46PM

Monument Type(s):

  • CASTLE (Medieval - 1467 AD to 1499 AD)


The site of a castle, captured in 1142 by Robert, Earl of Gloucester and rebuilt in the late 15th century. The remains of the 15th century octagonal tower with gun loops, walls and gateway survive. The approach bridge and entry archway are 19th century in date. The walls to the north and west stand to their full height, but part of the south east wall, which is thinner has broken away.

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument DO 51: Rufus Castle
  • Listed Building (I) 1280727: RUFUS CASTLE WITH BRIDGE
  • Conservation Area

Sources and Further Reading

<1>SDO150 - Bibliographic reference: Royal Commission on Historical Monuments (England). 1970. An Inventory of Historical Monuments in the County of Dorset. Volume Two (South East) Part III.
<2>SWX2035 - Article in serial: King D J C. 1947. Bow and Arrow Castle, Portland. Vol 69. 65-67.
<3>SWX2036 - Monograph: Renn D. 1973. Norman castles in Britain. 113.
<4>SWX2037 - Scheduling record: DOE. 1979. Scheduled Monument Notification DOE (IAM) Anc Mons Eng 3.12.79 82.
<6>SWX2039 - Unpublished document: Barton, J G. Various. Field Investigators Comments F1 JGB. 30-JUL-80.
<7>SWX4013 - Index: Castellarium Anglicanum : an Index and Bibliography of the Castles in England, Wales and the Islands.. Vol I. p125.
<8>SWX2136 - Scheduling record: Department of the Environment. 21 Sept 1978. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest: Borough of Weymouth and Portland amendment 1978. p6.
<9>SWX1176 - Map: Ordnance Survey. Various. Ordnance Survey Map 1:10 000. 1:10 000. 1974 edition OS map.
<10>SDO7 - Serial: Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. 1891. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. 12. 124.
<11>SDO47 - Serial: Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society. 1948. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society for 1947. 69. 65-67.
<12>SDO12705 - Aerial Photograph: XX-XXX-2009. Google Earth.
<13>SDO13125 - Aerial Photograph: National Monuments Record. 08-AUG-2007. SY 6971/017-026 NMR 24690/14-23.

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