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HER Number:MDV74696
Name:Threshing Barn at Bury Barton, Lapford


Late 16th-early 17th century threshing barn forming west wing of inner courtyard at Bury Barton. Has been reduced in length and given a horse engine house circa 1850. Cob and rubble stone under slate.


Grid Reference:SS 732 071
Map Sheet:SS70NW
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishLapford
DistrictMid Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishLAPFORD

Protected Status

Other References/Statuses

  • Old Listed Building Ref (II*)

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • THRESHING BARN (XVI to XIX - 1501 AD to 1900 AD)

Full description

Alcock, N. W., 1966, A Devon Farm: Bury Barton, Lapford, 120-121 (Article in Serial). SDV177653.

The barn has two cross entries, with a threshing floor in the north one. It is now 62 feet by 20 feet but was once longer at both the north and south ends. It contains four jointed cruck trusses. Other details: Plate and figures.

Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2007, Lapford (List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest). SDV341306.

Three ranges of farmbuildings enclosing inner courtyard. 16th century with 17th, 18th and 19th century additions and alterations. West wing is a late 16th-early 17th century barn which has since been reduced in length both ends and was given a horse engine house projecting into courtyard circa 1850. The barn is 6 bays, of cob and rubble with full height opposing double doorways to threshing floor right (north) of centre. To right of doorways is a semi-octagonal horse engine house with hipped roof projecting into courtyard across front of north range linhay. It has circa 1850 tie beam and king post roof. Machinery removed. Barn has second set of opposing full height doorways (now disused) towards left (south) end. At this end is a 16th century side-pegged jointed cruck truss. Top of this truss is charred and it seems that the 16th century barn once caught fire and formerly extended 1 or 2 bays further south. Rest of roof on 18th century A-frame trusses with pegged lap-jointed collars and X-apexes. Before circa 1800 barn also extended 1 bay further north. Roof hipped to left. Slate. From left (south) end of barn a high plastered cob wall on rubble footings with pantile coping extends eastwards sheltering garden from courtyard between house and barn. See listing description for full details of the inner courtyard. Other details: LBS No 96508.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV177653Article in Serial: Alcock, N. W.. 1966. A Devon Farm: Bury Barton, Lapford. Transactions of the Devonshire Association. 98. Photocopy. 120-121.
SDV341306List of Blds of Arch or Historic Interest: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. 2007. Lapford. Historic Houses Register. Website.

Associated Monuments

MDV74694Part of: Bury Barton, Lapford (Monument)
MDV20941Part of: Inner Courtyard, Bury Barton, Lapford (Building)
MDV74697Related to: Horse Engine House at Bury Barton, Lapford (Building)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events: none recorded

Date Last Edited:Oct 26 2022 11:51AM