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HER Number:MDV80642
Name:Flint Scatter in fields between Silverton Mill and Silverton


A total of 156 worked flints, including a barbed and tanged arrow head, were recovered from top soil during excavation for a new sewage pipeline across fields between Silverton Mill and Silverton.


Grid Reference:SS 969 018
Map Sheet:SS90SE
Admin AreaDevon
Civil ParishSilverton
DistrictMid Devon
Ecclesiastical ParishUNKNOWN

Protected Status: none recorded

Other References/Statuses: none recorded

Monument Type(s) and Dates

  • ARTEFACT SCATTER (Prehistoric - 698000 BC to 42 AD (Between))

Full description

Austin, J. C. + Salvatore, J. P., 2009 - 2010, An Archaeological Watching Brief on the Silverton Sewage Transfer Main (Report - Watching Brief). SDV347786.

A total of 156 worked flints were recovered from top soil during the insertion of a new sewage main across fields between Silverton Mill and Silverton Sewage Treatment Works. Twenty two flints were found in Field 1, mostly from the eastern side of the field. Seven flints came from Field 2 and two from Field 3. Field 4 produced 99 worked flints. Also found in Field 4 was a rim from a Late Roman flanged greyware bowl and a sherd of 17th/18th century South Somerset coarseware. Fields 5, 6 and 7 produced eleven, six and seven flints respectively. Another sherd of South Somerset coarseware was also found in Field 6.
The majority of the worked lithics were of flint but also included a number of pieces of chert. They included two thumbnail scrapers of Neolithic/Early Bronze Age date (Field 4) and also a Bronze Age tanged and barged arrowhead from Field 1. Two small blade cores may represent earlier Neolithic or even Mesolithic activity in the area. The high number of flints from Field 4 corresponds with the presence of a prehistoric enclosure in the same field.

Sources / Further Reading

SDV347786Report - Watching Brief: Austin, J. C. + Salvatore, J. P.. 2009 - 2010. An Archaeological Watching Brief on the Silverton Sewage Transfer Main. Exeter Archaeology Report. 10.85. A4 Stapled + Digital. [Mapped feature: #107429 ]

Associated Monuments

MDV56073Related to: Ditched Enclosures East of Heal-eye Stream (Monument)

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • EDV5261 - Watching Brief on the Silverton Sewage Transfer Main

Date Last Edited:Aug 25 2011 3:32PM