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Name:Dam Close, Willoughby
HER Number:MLI42004
Type of record:Monument


Earthwork enclosure at Willoughby, known as 'Dam Close'. Its exact date and function remains uncertain, although medieval origins have been thought to be most likely.

Grid Reference:TF 468 717
Map Sheet:TF47SE

Full description

'Dam Close' appears to be two fortified enclosures with entrances on the north and south sides. The banks have been reduced in height to the north-west and end in a small hollow and subsidiary enclosure. To the south-east the area has been levelled. There are no signs of foundations within the enclosure. C.W. Phillips suggested that a small work to the west of the main enclosure may be a fishpond. He believed the work to be medieval in origin and to have similarities to a nearby enclosure at Claxby St Andrew (see MLI42078). {1}{2}

Theories regarding the date and function of the monuemnt have varied, with William White in 1882 believing the site to be the remains of a Danish camp, whilst the surveyors of the 2nd edition 25" Ordnance Survey County Series map labelled the site as being the remains of a Roman camp. The consensus of more recent interpretation would suggest the site is of medieval origin, though no significant archaeological investigation has been conducted and this date remains tentative. The earthworks of the enclosure are clearly discernible on aerial photographs of this area, with the National Mapping Programme identifying the earthworks as the remains of a probable medieval enclosure or ringwork. A function of the earthwork as a possible stock enclosure, similar to that of the nearby enclosure at Claxby St Andrew, has also been suggested. {3}{4}{5}{6}

<1> Lincolnshire County Council, Sites and Monuments Record Card Index, TF 47 SE: D, E (Index). SLI2881.

<2> Ordnance Survey, Ordnance Survey Card Index, TF 47 SE: 3 (Index). SLI2344.

<3> William White, 1882, History, Gazetteer and Directory of Lincolnshire - Fourth Edition, p.810 (Bibliographic Reference). SLI888.

<4> Ordnance Survey, 1902-06, 25 Inch County Series Map - Second Edition, TF 47 SE (Map). SLI3566.

<5> Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1992-1996, National Mapping Programme, TF4671: LI.436.14.1-2 (Map). SLI3613.

<6> Stephen Ellis, Helen Fenwick, Malcolm Lillie and Robert Van de Noort, 2001, Wetland Heritage of the Lincolnshire Marsh, p.178 (Bibliographic Reference). SLI7104.

Monument Types

  • ENCLOSURE (Medieval - 1066 AD? to 1539 AD?)

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<1>Index: Lincolnshire County Council. Sites and Monuments Record Card Index. TF 47 SE: D, E.
<2>Index: Ordnance Survey. Ordnance Survey Card Index. TF 47 SE: 3.
<3>Bibliographic Reference: William White. 1882. History, Gazetteer and Directory of Lincolnshire - Fourth Edition. p.810.
<4>Map: Ordnance Survey. 1902-06. 25 Inch County Series Map - Second Edition. 1:2500. TF 47 SE.
<5>Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. National Mapping Programme. TF4671: LI.436.14.1-2.
<6>Bibliographic Reference: Stephen Ellis, Helen Fenwick, Malcolm Lillie and Robert Van de Noort. 2001. Wetland Heritage of the Lincolnshire Marsh. p.178.