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Title:South Brent Parish Checklist
Originator:Robinson, R.
Summary:'Old Bridge', Avonwick. Extant. High arched packhorse bridge on old route. The 'Old Bridge' spans the River Avon at Horsebrook. Its importance has decreased since the creation of the turnpike system and the construction of 'New Bridge' on the Totnes- Plymouth Turnpike road. It is not included in the earliest dated list of County Bridges in the parish (1787) in the County Record Office, nor in subsequent ones. This is a picturesque bridge with a high rounded arch, springing from the slate of the river bed. The height of the arch is about 6m and the span about 6.50m. It is built of slate and granite river boulders, with a dressed granite arch and parapets about 1m high. It has been widened by about 80cm on the north side, the original arch the south being 2m 30cm on the underside. The present carriageway, now tarmac, is 2m 50cm wide.

Associated Monuments (83)

MDV5814Agglomerated enclosure on Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5762Alleged enclosure; may refer to MDV25715 (Monument)
MDV5752Alleged stone row west of Black Tor (Monument)
MDV13454Alleged tinners cache, South Brent (Monument)
MDV28473Alleged tinners hut south-west of Petre's Pits Bottom (Building)
MDV13640BARROW in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13192Boundary stone, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)
MDV13674Building on south side of Brent Hill, South Brent (Building)
MDV13280Cairn 180 metres west of Red Brook (Monument)
MDV13638Cairn 230 meters north-north-west of Thynacombe Barn (Monument)
MDV13282Cairn at the north-east end of stone row north-east of East Glaze Brook, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13281Cairn on Brent Fore Hill (Monument)
MDV129982Cairn to north-west of the end of stone row west of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument)
MDV7739Cairn west of Ball Gate, Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5750Chambered cairn at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13458Channels from Bala Brook Head to clay dries (Monument)
MDV13283Cist on Hickley Plain (Monument)
MDV13382Clay dries, building remains, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13333Corringdon farmhouse, South Brent (Building)
MDV27794County bridge stone east of Glazebrook Bridge (Monument)
MDV27793County bridge stone west of Glazebrook Bridge (Monument)
MDV13369EARTHWORK in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV5184Eastern White Barrow with additional tower, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5800Enclosed hut circle settlement south of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5766Enclosure 'B' and hut circles at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5817Enclosure with hut circles north of Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13298FIELD SYSTEM in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13410FIELD SYSTEM in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13297Field system north of Yalland, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13650Flint scatter and spindle whorl found at Stippadon Farm (Monument)
MDV5719Flint scatter from Yalland Farm (Monument)
MDV13162Gas works on south side of the River Avon, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5759Gatepost to field south of Yalland Cross (Monument)
MDV5819Gingaford farmstead site, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13479GRAVEL PIT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13373Gravel pits south of Staddon, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13481Hollow way at Corringdon Ball (Monument)
MDV13273Hut circle east of the leat at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13274Hut circle east of the leat at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13272Hut circle east of the leat at Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13270Hut circle south of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5818Hut circle to the east of Settlement on Corringdon Ball, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13275Hut circle to the south of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument)
MDV129060Hut circle within enclosed hut circle settlement south of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5784Hut on lower slope of Old Hill, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13259Hut south of settlement west of Black Brake (Monument)
MDV13360Inscribed stone in unfinished wall on Aish Ridge (Monument)
MDV13468Iron tramway trolley at Petre's Pits, Bala Brook Head (Find Spot)
MDV5717Knatta Barrow on Quickbeam Hill, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13461LEAT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13295LYNCHET in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV5757Millstone south-west of Dockwell Farm (Monument)
MDV13583Old Bridge, North Huish (Building)
MDV13453OPEN CAST MINE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13452OPEN CAST MINE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13291Parallel reave system on Corringdon Ball (Monument)
MDV13385Pillow mound south of the Black Tor enclosures, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5744Possible cist or tinner's cache west of the River Avon at Woolholes (Monument)
MDV13644Possible lynchets at Stippadon, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13292Possible parallel reave system at Gisperdown, South Brent (Monument)
MDV28471Possible tinners hut, (Monument)
MDV13398Possible trough at Redlake Ford, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13277Probable enclosure at Dockwell Farm, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13679Quarry on Beara Common, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13411REAVE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13293Reave on Dockwell Ridge (Monument)
MDV13359Ridge and furrow on Aish Ridge, South Brent (Monument)
MDV19901Ring cairn south of Brent Fore Hill, South Brent (Monument)
MDV13287Ring cairn west of Dockwell (Monument)
MDV13381Ruinous building at Bala Brook Head China Clay workings (Building)
MDV13289Site of a barrow in field at Gisperdown, South Brent (Monument)
MDV28059STONE in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV5765Stone row north of East Glaze Brook and south of Brent Fore Hill , South Brent (Monument)
MDV13256Tinner's cache built into hut in settlement north of the Bala Brook (Monument)
MDV13467Tramway at Petre's Pits clay work, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5827Treeland Brake Stone Row (now destroyed) (Monument)
MDV13475TRIAL PIT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13477TRIAL PIT in the Parish of South Brent (Monument)
MDV13388Two pillow mounds south of Corringdon Ball field system, South Brent (Monument)
MDV62782Two spindle whorls found at Dockwell Farm (Find Spot)
MDV27809Unfinished wall on Aish Ridge, South Brent (Monument)
MDV14155Warren south-west of Black Tor, South Brent (Monument)
MDV5193Western White Barrow with shelter and re-erected cross, Dartmoor Forest (Monument)