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Title:Archaeological monitoring of groundworks for extensions to Great Torrington Bowling Club Pavilion
Originator:Whiteaway, T.
Summary:A watching brief was undertaken by Exeter Archaeology during groundworks to the north & south of Great Torrington Bowling Club Pavilion in 2004. A probable medieval wall aligned north to south at NGR SS49691894 was exposed on the north side of the pavilion. The un-bonded wall was constructed on a red clay which overlay makeup for the bailey rampart at the north end of the trench. The stratigraphy consisted of four layers of probable rampart material rising up to the boundary wall to the east. On the western side of the probable rampart material two dumps of levelling material were noted with the lower horizon comprising abundant stone fragments. To the south of the pavilion at NGR SS49701892 an east to west aligned wall was exposed. The upper courses of the wall sloped down to the west respecting the fall in the rampart bank. The wall was un-bonded but had well set facing stones. A scar at the eastern end suggested the wall originally continued to the north but no fabric survived. The wall did not correlate to the wall on the north side of the pavilion although the construction method was identical & they probably represent contemporary structures. Two sherds of medieval North Devon ware were recovered from the northern section dated between 13C & 15C.

Associated Monuments (2)

MDV18797Great Torrington Bowling Green (Building)
MDV437Great Torrington Castle (Monument)