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Coventry HER

Name:Section of the city wall, Bond Street Excavations
HER no.:MCT16592
Type of Record:Monument


Medieval fabric relating to the city wall was observed during a watching brief carried out between February and October 2005.

Grid Reference:SP 3310 7922
Former Parish:St. Michael's

Monument Type(s):

Protected Status: None recorded

Full description

1> Excavations beneath Bond Street revealed isolated remnants of the medieval town wall, heavily truncated by modern services. The best preseved section was located to the north-east of the development site where a 1.8m section of its inner face was preserved in situ 0.8-0.9m below the existing road surface. Here numerous courses of unbonded red sandstone ashlars…were present retaining a mass of rubble core-work. South-west of this, again beneath the road surface two sections of rubble core-work bonded with an off-white lime mortar were present…The impression of robbed-out facing stones was present in the mortar bonding indicating the location of the wall's inner face. Together with the in situ ashlars this enables the alignment of the inner face of the wall to be determined.

<1> Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2005, An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry February to October 2005 (--WATCHING BRIEF REPORT). SCT1331.

<2> Historical Association, Coventry Branch, 1971, Coventry's Town Wall (-PUBLICATION). SCT1581.

Sources and Further Reading

<1>SCT1331 --WATCHING BRIEF REPORT: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2005. An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry February to October 2005. Mason, P., Thorne, A. and Webster, T.. 44.
<2>SCT1581 -PUBLICATION: Historical Association, Coventry Branch. 1971. Coventry's Town Wall. Gooder, E.. A4 simplex. 24.

Associated Finds: none recorded

Associated Events

  • ECT333 - Belgrade Theatre (Ref: COVE268)

Related records

MCT2599Part of: Medieval City Wall (Monument)

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