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Coventry HER

Name:Medieval tower or spayer on city wall
HER no.:MCT16593
Type of Record:Monument


Medieval structural remains of a possible tower or spayer (sluice gate) were observed during a watching brief carried out between February and October 2005.

Grid Reference:SP 3309 7923
Former Parish:St. Michael's

Monument Type(s):

Protected Status: None recorded

Full description

1> More structural remains were found to the immediate north of the town wall's remains, again heavily truncated by modern services. Here, un-mortared sandstone blocks, interpreted as foundations were observed at a depth of 1.8m below the modern ground service. Their position in relation to the established inner face of the wall suggests that it thickened considerably in this vicinity and it is possible that these remains are of the tower mentioned in documentary sources or the associated spayer [sluice gate] constructed beneath in c. 1451. Cartographic sources suggest that prior to being culverted, the course of Radford Brook passed through the wall in close vicinity to these footings (1905 2nd ed OS). It was observed that grey-brown silt was present between some of the in situ blocks forming the inner face of the town wall. It is possible that this was an alluvium deposited by the Brook as it flowed through a nearby aperture in the town wall…It was ascertained that a soil layer of possible late medieval date was present in close association with the foundations of the tower/spayer. This was a dark grey silt containing animal bone and a James I sixpence dated 1604.

<1> Northamptonshire Archaeology, 2005, An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry February to October 2005 (--WATCHING BRIEF REPORT). SCT1331.

<2> Historical Association, Coventry Branch, 1971, Coventry's Town Wall (-PUBLICATION). SCT1581.

Sources and Further Reading

<1>SCT1331 --WATCHING BRIEF REPORT: Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2005. An Archaeological Watching Brief at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry February to October 2005. Mason, P., Thorne, A. and Webster, T.. 44.
<2>SCT1581 -PUBLICATION: Historical Association, Coventry Branch. 1971. Coventry's Town Wall. Gooder, E.. A4 simplex. 24.

Associated Finds

  • FCT52 - ANIMAL REMAINS (Later Medieval - 1351 AD to 1539 AD)
  • FCT53 - COIN (Jacobean - 1604 AD to 1604 AD)

Associated Events

  • ECT333 - Belgrade Theatre (Ref: COVE268)
  • ECT680 - Conservation Management Plan Condition Survey for Medieval Defences

Related records

MCT2599Part of: Medieval City Wall (Monument)

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