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Leicester City Council Heritage Data

Name: 35-39, Gallowtree Gate
City: Leicester
Ward: Castle, Leicester
Monument Number: ( MLC1331 )
Monument Type: ( BUILDING )
35-39, Gallowtree Gate
Medieval foundations or cellar
between 1067 and 1539
Possible medieval stone foundations or cellar walls fond by workmen in 1925. The walls were below ground level and about 18" in thickness, lying at right-angles to the line of the town wall. The walls appeared to forma part of a projecting building about 40' from the town wall and about 20' wide. The shape indicated that it was not part of the town defences, such as a tower or bastion.


Easting:  458819
Northing:  304501

Lattitude: 52.6350984508416
Longitude: -1.13230232528846

Grid Ref: SK 588 045
