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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Former RAF Faldingworth Barrack Blocks, Toft Newton
HER Number:MLI115786
Type of record:Building


A pair of identical, two-storey, brick-built barrack block structures, constructed in 1943.

Grid Reference:TF 038 863
Map Sheet:TF08NW

Full description

The former RAF Faldingworth barrack blocks were the subject of an historic building survey, conducted in May 2014, prior to their proposed renovation. The buildings are a pair of identical, two-storey structures, constructed in 1943 to house airfield personnel for the nearby RAF Faldingworth. The buildings are built of brick, laid in a Flemish Garden Wall bond, and feature double pitched gabled roofs, covered with ceramic tiles. Each structure is comprised of a series of large dormitory rooms with associated storage and washing facilities, accessed by a central corridor. A block of three small rooms at both ends of each floor of the buildings would have provided slightly larger accomodation for the Non-Commissioned Officers. The buildings were occupied intermittently, by a variety of different military personnel, until the airfield's closure in 1972. The buildings were subsequently occupied by displaced immigrants until the end of 1973, though have lain mostly unused since then. Although the buildings remain largely intact, several of the partition walls have been removed, particularly in the western building, and few original features of note survive. {1}{2}

<1> Allen Archaeology Ltd, 2014, Former RAF Faldingworth Barrack Blocks, Newtoft Business Park, Toft Newton, AAL site code: TONE 14 (Report). SLI14869.

<2> Allen Archaeology Ltd, 2014, Former RAF Faldingworth Barrack Blocks, Newtoft Business Park, Toft Newton, LCNCC 2014.84 (Archive). SLI14870.

Monument Types

  • BARRACK BLOCK (Second World War to Late 20th Century - 1943 AD to 1973 AD)

Associated Events

  • Former RAF Faldingworth Barrack Blocks, Newtoft Business Park, Toft Newton

Sources and further reading

<1>Report: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2014. Former RAF Faldingworth Barrack Blocks, Newtoft Business Park, Toft Newton. AAL site code: TONE 14.
<2>Archive: Allen Archaeology Ltd. 2014. Former RAF Faldingworth Barrack Blocks, Newtoft Business Park, Toft Newton. LCNCC 2014.84.

Related records

MLI53409Part of: RAF Faldingworth (Monument)