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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Ridge and Furrow, Faldingworth
HER Number:MLI116195
Type of record:Monument


Traces of medieval ridge and furrow on the site of the former RAF Faldingworth airfield.

Grid Reference:TF 035 850
Map Sheet:TF08NW

Full description

Traces of medieval ridge and furrow were recorded in this location in February 2014, during a magnetometry survey conducted to inform the proposed creation of a new solar farm. The remains were identified as a series of parallel linear magnetic anomalies, aligned on an east to west axis. {1}

<1> Pre-Construct Geophysics, 2014, Proposed Solar Installation, Former RAF Faldingworth, - (Report). SLI15404.

Monument Types

  • RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Events

  • Proposed Solar Installation, Former RAF Faldingworth

Sources and further reading

<1>Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2014. Proposed Solar Installation, Former RAF Faldingworth. -.