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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Romano British saltmaking remains, Woodgate Farm, Moulton
HER Number:MLI20358
Type of record:Monument


A red hill and artefact scatter of pottery, baked clay fragments and evaporating vessel fragments suggest that this site was the location of Roman saltmaking.

Grid Reference:TF 284 163
Map Sheet:TF21NE

Full description

Concentrations of Romano British pottery sherds were found in dark patches of wide silt hillocks among a wide scatter throughout the western group of enclosures. The pottery dates from the early 2nd century and into the 4th century within area of 22115. {1}
There is a 'red hill' (a Roman coastal site producing salt by boiling of seawater) on this site, with scatters of baked clay fragments, including support pieces, and evaporating vessel fragments. {3}

<1> HALLAM, S.J., 1970, ‘Settlement around the Wash’ in The Fenland in Roman Times, GAZ 2816S P 285 (Article in Monograph). SLI63.

<2> HALLAM, S.J., 1970, The maps for ‘Settlement around the Wash’ in The Fenland in Roman Times, MAP 6 SHEET F (Map). SLI3705.

<3> Hallam, S.J., 1960, Romano-British Salt Industry in South Lincolnshire, pp.52, 64 (Article in Serial). SLI654.

<4> OS CARD INDEX, TF 21 NE:9,1965, DA (Index). SLI2641.

<5> SMR FILE, TF 21 NE:F - (Index). SLI3175.

Monument Types

  • ARTEFACT SCATTER (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • RED HILL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • SALT WORKS (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Finds

  • BRIQUETAGE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • SHERD (Roman - 100 AD to 399 AD)

Sources and further reading

<1>Article in Monograph: HALLAM, S.J.. 1970. ‘Settlement around the Wash’ in The Fenland in Roman Times. GAZ 2816S P 285.
<2>Map: HALLAM, S.J.. 1970. The maps for ‘Settlement around the Wash’ in The Fenland in Roman Times. MAP 6 SHEET F.
<3>Article in Serial: Hallam, S.J.. 1960. Romano-British Salt Industry in South Lincolnshire. pp.52, 64.
<4>Index: OS CARD INDEX. MOULTON. TF 21 NE:9,1965, DA.
<5>Index: SMR FILE. MOULTON. TF 21 NE:F -.

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