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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Roman Burial, Braceborough
HER Number:MLI34009
Type of record:Monument


A human burial, found on land to the south-west of Braceborough. The remains were placed within a stone sarcophagus, and were buried with late Roman pottery and glass vessels.

Grid Reference:TF 065 122
Map Sheet:TF01SE

Full description

A sarcophagus made of Barnack stone was uncovered in this location, during the excavation of a drainage ditch in the summer of 1981. The coffin contained the remains of a male skeleton, which had been laid along a north to south alignment. The individual was buried with two glass vessels and a pottery dish made of Nene Valley Colour Coated Ware, dating to the 4th century. All of the artefacts had been placed at the feet of the burial. The left foot of the skeleton appeared to be severely abnormal in shape. The coffin was reportedly taken to the churchyard at Greatford. {1}

<1> Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire, Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire Record Cards, SK 13.04 (Index). SLI2094.

Monument Types

  • BURIAL (Roman - 300 AD to 399 AD)

Associated Finds

  • VESSEL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • COFFIN (Roman - 300 AD to 399 AD)
  • DISH (Roman - 300 AD to 400 AD)
  • HUMAN REMAINS (Roman - 300 AD to 399 AD)

Associated Events

  • Field obs during excavation of ditch

Sources and further reading

<1>Index: Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire. Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire Record Cards. SK 13.04.