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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Undated mound or barrow, near to the B1202, Wragby
HER Number:MLI40339
Type of record:Monument


Large, flattened mound recorded as Gallows Hill on the 1956 Ordnance Survey map. It is possibly a barrow.

Grid Reference:TF 132 789
Map Sheet:TF17NW

Full description

This is a large mound so flattened that it would be better called a platform. It does not seem to be the sort of spot for either a gallows or a mill, so perhaps it is a degraded barrow. The field is down to grass (1929).{1}
The location is called Gallows Hill on the second edition 1956 Ordnance Survey map. {3}
The feature appears to be under an area of woodland plantation with surrrounding cultivated fields, so the condition of the mound is not obvious from aerial photographs on google mapping. {5}

<1> SMR FILE, TF17NW:D,1929, PHILLIPS, C.W. (Index). SLI3398.

<2> OS CARD INDEX, TF17NW9 - (Index). SLI2856.

<3> OS, 1956, OS 6 INCH SERIES, TF17NW (Map). SLI3659.

<4> PHILLIPS, C.W., 1929, OS 6 INCH SERIES, TF17NW (Map). SLI3673.

<5> Google, 2006->, Google Maps and Street View, seen on 19/01/2012 (Website). SLI11533.

Monument Types

  • MOUND (Unknown date)
  • BARROW? (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 801 BC)
  • GALLOWS MOUND? (Post Medieval - 1600 AD? to 1900 AD?)

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<1>Index: SMR FILE. WRAGBY. TF17NW:D,1929, PHILLIPS, C.W..
<3>Map: OS. 1956. OS 6 INCH SERIES. TF17NW.
<4>Map: PHILLIPS, C.W.. 1929. OS 6 INCH SERIES. TF17NW.
<5>Website: Google. 2006->. Google Maps and Street View. www.google.co.uk/maps. seen on 19/01/2012.