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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Scheduled section of the Car Dyke in Helpringham
HER Number:MLI60014
Type of record:Monument


Scheduled section of the Car Dyke in Helpringham

Grid Reference:TF 146 390
Map Sheet:TF13NW

Full description

PRN 60014
A Scheduled stretch of the Car Dyke Roman canal, running through three fields in Helpringham. It runs for 190m north-north-east through field O.S. 317 as a hollow between two banks. The easterly bank has been eroded down. The dyke turns at TF 14533905, east-north-east through field O.S. 288 between well preserved banks 2m high, except at western end. A hollow has been dug out of centre of northern bank. The Scheduled area continues across field 314 but the banks in this field were bulldozed flat under a war agricultural board order during the Second World War. For general Car Dyke record see PRN 60706. {1}{2}
A section measuring 117m was drawn of the north side of the relay trench along South Drove/Car Dyke during water mains replacement. {4}{5}
The course of the Car Dyke in this area is clearly visible on aerial photographs. {3}
A trench was excavated through the Car Dyke in 1971, but the paper archive for this work was lost. In 1999, the trench (at TF 1455 3905) was re-excavated and borehole samples were also taken for environmental analysis. The dimensions of the surviving channel and banks at this site were established, and a buried soil was discovered beneath the banks. No dating evidence or artefacts were found. {8}{9}

<1> HBMC, AM 7, SAM 274 (Scheduling Record). SLI4067.

<2> HBMC, 1985, AM 107, SAM 274 (Scheduling Record). SLI4011.

<3> 1945-84, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COLLECTION, LH 18,19; EA 051, 052 (Aerial Photograph). SLI173.

<4> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 1994, Helpringham Fen: Archaeological Watching Brief Report, HLF94 (Report). SLI5160.

<5> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 1994, Helpringham Fen: Archaeological Watching Brief, LCNCC 65.94 (Archive). SLI1539.

<6> F.N. Field and I. George, 1995, Archaeology in Lincolnshire, Vol 30 p42 (Article in Serial). SLI697.

<7> Helpringham SMR cards, TF 13 NW; AC, TF 13 NE; A (Index). SLI3084.

<8> Archaeological Project Services, 2001, Assessment Report: Excavation of the Car Dyke, Helpringham, CDP99 (Report). SLI11283.

<9> Cope-Faulkner, P. and Simmons, B. B., 2004, The Car Dyke: Past Work, Current State and Future Possibilities, - (Bibliographic Reference). SLI11277.

Monument Types

  • CANAL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • DRAIN (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Events

  • Aerial photographs of the Car Dyke in Helpringham
  • Aerial photographs of the Car Dyke in Helpringham
  • Watching brief along a replacement water main in Helpringham
  • Excavation of a trench through the Car Dyke in Helpringham, 1971
  • Excavation of a trench through the Car Dyke in Helpringham, 1999

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument

Sources and further reading

<1>Scheduling Record: HBMC. AM 7. SAM 274.
<2>Scheduling Record: HBMC. 1985. AM 107. SAM 274.
<3>Aerial Photograph: 1945-84. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY COLLECTION. LH 18,19; EA 051, 052.
<4>Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1994. Helpringham Fen: Archaeological Watching Brief Report. HLF94.
<5>Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1994. Helpringham Fen: Archaeological Watching Brief. LCNCC 65.94.
<6>Article in Serial: F.N. Field and I. George. 1995. Archaeology in Lincolnshire. Vol 30 p42.
<7>Index: Helpringham SMR cards. HELPRINGHAM. TF 13 NW; AC, TF 13 NE; A.
<8>Report: Archaeological Project Services. 2001. Assessment Report: Excavation of the Car Dyke, Helpringham. CDP99.
<9>Bibliographic Reference: Cope-Faulkner, P. and Simmons, B. B.. 2004. The Car Dyke: Past Work, Current State and Future Possibilities. -.