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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Bronze Age Bowl Barrow, Cold Harbour Farm, Stenigot
HER Number:MLI80030
Type of record:Monument


The easternmost of two probable Bronze Age bowl barrows, to the north-east of Cold Harbour Farm, Stenigot.

Grid Reference:TF 269 817
Map Sheet:TF28SE

Full description

Cropmarks of a probable Bronze Age round barrow, to the north-east of Cold Harbour Farm, Stenigot. Visible as a circular enclosure, defined by a single ditch measuring 15m in diameter. Identified on aerial photography examined as part of the National Mapping Programme. {1}

This probable Bronze Age bowl barrow lies on the crest of a north-facing slope, with the remains of a second bowl barrow (see MLI80029) and a Neolithic long barrow (see MLI43185) in close proximity. Although the barrows cannot be seen on the ground, their infilled and buried ditches are visible from the air as cropmarks. This bowl barrow is the smaller and the most easterly of the two, measuring about 15m in diameter, and lies approximately 275m to the east of the long barrow. {2}

More recent analysis of the aerial photography for this area shows the bowl barrow as cropmarks and soilmarks. The barrow is defined by a circular ditch measuring roughly 15m in diameter, with the compacted surface of the internal mound being visisbel as soilmarks. {3}

<1> Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England, 1992-1996, Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme, TF2681: LI.220.9.1 (Map). SLI3613.

<2> English Heritage, 1999, scheduling document 29738, MPP22 (Scheduling Record). SLI5422.

<3> Aerial Photograph, NMR 28302_057 (15/05/2012) (Aerial Photograph). SLI89.

Monument Types

  • BOWL BARROW (Bronze Age - 2200 BC to 801 BC)

Associated Events

  • Site visit to prehistoric barrows

Protected Status

  • Scheduled Monument

Sources and further reading

<1>Map: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England. 1992-1996. Lincolnshire National Mapping Programme. TF2681: LI.220.9.1.
<2>Scheduling Record: English Heritage. 1999. scheduling document 29738. MPP22.
<3>Aerial Photograph: Aerial Photograph. NMR 28302_057 (15/05/2012).