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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Possible Romano-British cemetery remains to the south of Chapel Lane, Navenby
HER Number:MLI86357
Type of record:Monument


Possible Romano-British cemetery remains to the south of Chapel Lane, Navenby

Grid Reference:SK 991 575
Map Sheet:SK95NE

Full description

South of Chapel Lane at SK 99157 57576 (approx) two mid-late second century cremations contained in greyware urns were revealed, and a further one in a Nene Valley colour-coated ware funnel-necked beaker, dating to the third century, were excavated during a watching brief. An elongated pit-like feature was also revealed nearby which is believed to have a ritual function. It contained scored ware dating to the late Iron Age-RB period and horse bone. {1}{2}
Two Romano-British pits were identified during a watching brief south of Chapel Lane (SK 9917 5757). The most northerly of these pits contained what appeared to be finds clusters. On the north side there was a group of disarticulated animal bones and Romano-British pottery sherds, including a second century mortarium. The other group of finds consisted of second-third century pottery and horse vertebrae. Also in the fill of the pit was a footring base, fourth century Oxfordshire red colour-coated beaker and infant human tibia. The southernmost pit was smaller, and contained a single sherd of Romano-British pottery.
Part of a human femur was recovered from a possible enclosure ditch. Two of the Romano-British cremations were recorded 'within' it. {1}{2}

<1> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 1999, Chapel Lane, Navenby: Watching Brief Report, CLN96 (Report). SLI5685.

<2> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2000, Chapel Lane, Navenby, LCNCC 1996.85 (Archive). SLI5686.

Monument Types

  • BURIAL (Roman - 150 AD to 400 AD)
  • CEMETERY (Roman - 150 AD to 400 AD)
  • CREMATION (Roman - 150 AD to 400 AD)
  • PIT (Roman - 150 AD to 400 AD)

Associated Finds

  • ANIMAL REMAINS (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • CREMATION (Roman - 150 AD to 400 AD)
  • URN (Roman - 150 AD to 300 AD)

Associated Events

  • Chapel Lane, Navenby

Sources and further reading

<1>Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 1999. Chapel Lane, Navenby: Watching Brief Report. CLN96.
<2>Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2000. Chapel Lane, Navenby. LCNCC 1996.85.

Related records

MLI86359Related to: Romano-British graves, west of Ermine Street, south of Chapel Lane, Navenby (Monument)