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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Post medieval earthwork ridge and furrow, Coningsby
HER Number:MLI88994
Type of record:Monument


Post medieval earthwork ridge and furrow, Coningsby

Grid Reference:TF 231 573
Map Sheet:TF25NW

Full description

Post medieval earthwork ridge and furrow, Coningsby, as depicted on the Witham Valley NMP.{1}
No evidence of earthworks was seen during a walkover survey at TF 2265 5779, and it appears that these have been ploughed out. A few fragments of late medieval to early post medieval pottery were found at the field edges, where they would have been re-deposited after being disturbed by ploughing. {2}
The three blocks of earthworks located on land west of Ivy House and east of Coningsby Airfield appear to have been ploughed out. The blocks are centred at TF 2365 5612, TF 2365 5576 and TF2348 5597. {3}

<1> English Heritage, 2005, Witham Valley National Mapping Programme, MONARCH 1405348 (Map). SLI10689.

<2> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2006, Land off Old Boston Road, Coningsby: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment, - (Report). SLI11114.

<3> Google, 2006->, Google Maps and Street View, seen on 23/01/2013 (Website). SLI11533.

Monument Types

  • RIDGE AND FURROW (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1450 AD to 1650 AD)

Associated Events

  • Walkover survey at land off Old Boston Road, Coningsby

Sources and further reading

<1>Map: English Heritage. 2005. Witham Valley National Mapping Programme. Digital. Digital. MONARCH 1405348.
<2>Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2006. Land off Old Boston Road, Coningsby: Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. -.
<3>Website: Google. 2006->. Google Maps and Street View. www.google.co.uk/maps. seen on 23/01/2013.