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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Roman burials to the west of Mareham Lane
HER Number:MLI89780
Type of record:Monument


Roman burials to the west of Mareham Lane

Grid Reference:TF 076 459
Map Sheet:TF04NE

Full description

PRN 64442
During excavations in 1984-5, eight human burials were discovered scattered widely over the excavated area. The burials were all of adults and include males and females. Nails were found in some grave fills, indicating coffin burial. Most of the burials were aligned north-south with the head to the north and therefore the burials appear to be pre-Christian. They are not closely dated beyond that, although some Roman finds were associated with a couple of the graves. They are also situated adjacent to and parallel to the Roman enclosure ditches in the area, suggesting a relationship with those features. The burials do not appear to form a conventional Roman cemetery group but nor are they placed randomly. It has been suggested that these burials represent a vernacular burial tradition, and also that they may have been placed around the edges of the enclosures to minimise loss of productive land. Two canine skeletons which appeared to have been deliberately deposited were also found in this area. {1}
Inhumations with traces of a 'rough coffin' and 14 spike nails 6 inches long have been reported from Old Place (no further location details are given). These are suggested to be Roman although there is no dating evidence and they could alternatively be associated with the churchyard of St Giles church (PRN 60697). {2}{4}
Two skeletons and a skull were found in the 19th or early 20th century immediately to the north of Old Place house. These are undated, but are outside the probable extent of the medieval churchyard. {3}

<1> Shelia M. Elsdon, 1997, Old Sleaford Revealed: A Lincolnshire Settlement in Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and Medieval Times: Excavations 1882-1995, chpt 6 (Bibliographic Reference). SLI8621.

<2> Sleaford SMR cards, TF 04 NE; D (Index). SLI3265.

<3> 1936-1964, Letters and other material relating to the Stubley Collection, Nos. 7, 8 (Correspondence). SLI11973.


Monument Types

  • ANIMAL BURIAL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • BURIAL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • INHUMATION (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Finds

  • ANIMAL REMAINS (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • HUMAN REMAINS (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • NAIL (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Events

  • Excavations on land at Old Place, Sleaford, 1984-5
  • Intermittent excavations at Old Sleaford, 1957-59

Sources and further reading

<1>Bibliographic Reference: Shelia M. Elsdon. 1997. Old Sleaford Revealed: A Lincolnshire Settlement in Iron Age, Roman, Saxon and Medieval Times: Excavations 1882-1995. chpt 6.
<2>Index: Sleaford SMR cards. SLEAFORD. TF 04 NE; D.
<3>Correspondence: 1936-1964. Letters and other material relating to the Stubley Collection. Nos. 7, 8.

Related records

MLI89760Related to: Roman cemetery at The Hoplands (Monument)
MLI89831Related to: Romano-British field system, Old Place, Sleaford (Monument)
MLI60584Related to: Romano-British roadside settlement to the north of Boston Road, Sleaford (Monument)