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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Saxon pottery scatter to the west of Long Plantation
HER Number:MLI90178
Type of record:Monument


Saxon pottery scatter to the west of Long Plantation

Grid Reference:TF 063 388
Map Sheet:TF03NE

Full description

PRN 64673
Saxon pottery, probably of middle Saxon date, was found during fieldwalking in 1972. {1}

<1> Osbournby SMR cards, TF 03 NE; AC (Index). SLI3211.

Monument Types

  • ARTEFACT SCATTER (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 650 AD to 850 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 650 AD to 850 AD)

Associated Events

  • Fieldwalking in Osbournby, 1972

Sources and further reading

<1>Index: Osbournby SMR cards. OSBOURNBY. TF 03 NE; AC.