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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Hiberno-Norse copper alloy mount found in Ormsby parish
HER Number:MLI91460
Type of record:Find Spot


Hiberno-Norse copper alloy mount found in Ormsby (probably North Ormsby) parish (unlocated)


Full description

A copper alloy mount was found in "the parish of Ormsby" (probably North Ormsby). It is probably of Hiberno-Norse origin and dates to the 9th century. It was probably a fitting from a bridle. {1}{2}

<1> City and County Museum, 2000, Report about a Hiberno-Norse copper alloy mount found at Ormsby, - (Unpublished Document). SLI11807.

<2> City and County Museum Collection, LCNCC 2000.294 (Artefact). SLI8.

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 800 AD to 899 AD)

Associated Finds

  • MOUNT (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 800 AD to 899 AD)

Sources and further reading

<1>Unpublished Document: City and County Museum. 2000. Report about a Hiberno-Norse copper alloy mount found at Ormsby. -.
<2>Artefact: City and County Museum Collection. LCNCC 2000.294.