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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Early Saxon pottery found at the Market Place, Sleaford
HER Number:MLI91646
Type of record:Monument


Early Saxon pottery found at the Market Place, Sleaford

Grid Reference:TF 068 458
Map Sheet:TF04NE

Full description

PRN 65286
'Pagan' Saxon pottery was found in many features during excavation (see PRN 65283). However, later pottery was found in the same features and it is thought that the early sherds are residual. {1}

<1> Mahany, Christine, 1979, 'Excavations in the Market Place, 1978' in South Lincolnshire Archaeology 3: Sleaford, pp 20-27 (Article in Serial). SLI11940.

Monument Types

  • ARTEFACT SCATTER (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 410 AD to 650 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 410 AD to 650 AD)

Associated Events

  • Excavations at The Market Place, Sleaford in 1978

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area

Sources and further reading

<1>Article in Serial: Mahany, Christine. 1979. 'Excavations in the Market Place, 1978' in South Lincolnshire Archaeology 3: Sleaford. pp 20-27.