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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Late Iron Age - Roman-British features near Wilsford Reservoir
HER Number:MLI91748
Type of record:Monument


Late Iron Age - Roman-British features near Wilsford Reservoir

Grid Reference:SK 993 419
Map Sheet:SK94SE

Full description

PRN 65352
During geophysical survey along a water pipeline route, probable archaeological anomalies were recorded in this field. {1}
Subsequent trial excavation revealed these features to be of 2nd-3rd century date. Most of the features appear to be land boundary ditches. Ditches flanking a probable road were also seen. {2}{3}
During excavation in the field immediately to the west, further features of late Iron Age - early Romano-British date were seen. These included more boundary ditches and also the stone foundations of a small rectangular building. It is uncertain whether this building had a domestic or agricultural function. There appeared to have been at least two phases of building prior to this structure's demolition. The presence of club rush seeds in the demolition deposits suggest a turf roof. The earlier date of the features in this field suggest that the focus of activity may have moved to the east by the 2nd-3rd century. {2}{3}

<1> Pre-Construct Geophysics, 2006, Fluxgate Gradiometer Survey: Wilsford to Rauceby Mains Reinforcement Scheme, - (Report). SLI10901.

<2> Lindsey Archaeological Services, 2008, Wilsford-Rauceby Reinforcement Main Scheme Archaeological Excavation, Evaluation and Watching Brief, WURM 06 (Report). SLI12048.

<3> Lindsey Archaeological Services, 2008, Wilsford-Rauceby Reinforcement Main Scheme Archaeological Excavation, Evaluation and Watching Brief, LCNCC 2006.180 (Archive). SLI12049.

Monument Types

  • DITCH (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 409 AD)
  • ROAD (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 409 AD)
  • WALL (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 409 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Late Iron Age to Roman - 100 BC to 409 AD)

Associated Events

  • Geophysical survey along the route of the Wilsford to Rauceby mains reinforcement scheme
  • Archaeological evaluation near Wilsford Reservoir
  • Archaeological excavation near Wilsford Reservoir

Protected Status


Sources and further reading

<1>Report: Pre-Construct Geophysics. 2006. Fluxgate Gradiometer Survey: Wilsford to Rauceby Mains Reinforcement Scheme. -.
<2>Report: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2008. Wilsford-Rauceby Reinforcement Main Scheme Archaeological Excavation, Evaluation and Watching Brief. WURM 06.
<3>Archive: Lindsey Archaeological Services. 2008. Wilsford-Rauceby Reinforcement Main Scheme Archaeological Excavation, Evaluation and Watching Brief. LCNCC 2006.180.