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Lincolnshire HER

Name:The Cottage Museum, Woodhall Spa
HER Number:MLI92014
Type of record:Building


The Cottage Museum, Woodhall Spa

Grid Reference:TF 197 633
Map Sheet:TF16SE

Full description

PRN 47248
Corrugated iron bungalow of a type supplied as a kit by Boulton and Paul of Norwich, now used as a museum. This is a rare survival of this type of building. It was large enough to have a servant's bedroom, and was moved to its present site in 1887 (it originally stood on a site 2 1/2 miles to the north). It is considered to be of townscape value by the Conservation Area Appraisal. {1}

<1> QuBE Planning Ltd., 2008, Woodhall Spa Conservation Area Appraisal, Section 6.16 (Report). SLI12195.

Monument Types

  • HOUSE (Post Medieval to Late 20th Century - 1884 AD to 1987 AD)
  • PREFABRICATED BUILDING (Post Medieval to Modern - 1884 AD to 2050 AD)
  • MUSEUM (Late 20th Century to 21st Century - 1987 AD to 2050 AD)

Associated Events

  • Site visit to Woodhall Spa Conservation Area

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area

Sources and further reading

<1>Report: QuBE Planning Ltd.. 2008. Woodhall Spa Conservation Area Appraisal. Section 6.16.