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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Prehistoric flint scatter, High Street, Bassingham
HER Number:MLI97264
Type of record:Monument


Prehistoric flint finds found during a watching brief.

Grid Reference:SK 910 600
Map Sheet:SK96SW

Full description

During a watching brief on land at Grange Farm, High Street, Bassingham two prehistoric flint blades were found in a sub surface deposits in Trench 1 and 4 respectively, two flint flakes was found in a linear features in Trench 5 and 6 and two prehistoric flint flakes were found in an unstratified deposit. {1}{2}

<1> Lincs Archaeo-tech, 2006, Watching Brief on Land at Grange Farm, High Street, Bassingham, GFB05 (Report). SLI12382.

<2> Lincs Archaeo-tech, 2006, Watching Brief on Land at Grange Farm, High Street, Bassingham, LCNCC: 2005.206 (Archive). SLI12383.

Monument Types

  • ARTEFACT SCATTER (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)

Associated Finds

  • BLADE (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)
  • FLAKE (Early Neolithic to Late Bronze Age - 4000 BC to 801 BC)

Associated Events

  • Watching Brief on Land at Grange Farm, High Street, Bassingham

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area

Sources and further reading

<1>Report: Lincs Archaeo-tech. 2006. Watching Brief on Land at Grange Farm, High Street, Bassingham. GFB05.
<2>Archive: Lincs Archaeo-tech. 2006. Watching Brief on Land at Grange Farm, High Street, Bassingham. LCNCC: 2005.206.