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Lincolnshire HER

Name:Saxon pottery found in the churchyard of St James' church, Aslackby
HER Number:MLI98031
Type of record:Find Spot


Saxon pottery found in the churchyard of St James' church, Aslackby

Grid Reference:TF 085 304
Map Sheet:TF03SE

Full description

PRN 39113
Three sherds of 5th to 8th century Saxon pottery were found during a watching brief. They were found within graveyard soil along with medieval pottery (see PRN 33747) and so are probably residual however they may indicate an early date for the establishment of settlement in the area. {1}{2}

<1> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2010, St James' Church, Aslackby, South Kesteven: Archaeological Monitoring and Recording, JCAL10 (Report). SLI13232.

<2> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2010, St James' Church, Aslackby, South Kesteven: Archaeological Monitoring and Recording, LCNCC 2010.117 (Archive). SLI13233.

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 411 AD to 799 AD)

Associated Finds

  • SHERD (Early Medieval/Dark Age - 411 AD to 799 AD)

Associated Events

  • Watching brief at St James' church, Aslackby

Protected Status

  • Conservation Area

Sources and further reading

<1>Report: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2010. St James' Church, Aslackby, South Kesteven: Archaeological Monitoring and Recording. JCAL10.
<2>Archive: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2010. St James' Church, Aslackby, South Kesteven: Archaeological Monitoring and Recording. LCNCC 2010.117.