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HER Number:17647
Type of record:Find Spot


Romano British pottery was found during fieldwalking east of Winteringham Grange in 1981 and 2008. The greatest concentration of finds came from an area that has been quarried, so they may have been imported with topsoil from another part of Old Winteringham

Grid Reference:SE 494 421
Map Sheet:SE44SE
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Monument Types

  • FINDSPOT (RO, Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Protected Status - None

Associated Finds

  • POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • TESSERA (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)
  • TILE (Roman - 43 AD to 409 AD)

Associated Events

  • SHWAP fieldwalking, OS 4757
  • Warren Single Field Turbine, Horkstow - Desk Based Assessment

Full description

A field to the west of the scheduled area of Old Winteringham was fieldwalked in 1981. This field had been created by combining OS parcels 2060 and 3757. The whole area was linewalked at 10m spacing, but only a few eroded sherds of Roman pottery were found, in no particular concentration. [1, 2]

The same field (designated OS 4757) was fieldwalked by volunteers of the South Humber Bank Wildlife and People Project in September 2008. 192 sherds of Romano-British pottery were collected. Most were abraded greywares and coarsewares, but the assemblage included a mortarium sherd (Swanpool, late C3rd-C4th), 9 samian ware sherds (1 decorated), 4 Nene Valley colour coated sherds (1 with barbotine decoration), 2 amphora body sherds, and 1 possible Huntcliff rim sherd. 2 pieces of ceramic building material were also found, 1 a box flue tile fragment. A single stone tessera was present in the finds assemblage.

The greatest concentration of Romano-British pottery was in the western part of the field, centred to SE94212148. [3, 4]

Post-fieldwork analysis of aerial photographic cover revealed that the south-western part of the field had been quarried. The northern tip of the quarry coincided with the greatest concentration of Romano-British pottery found during the 2008 fieldwalking. The distributions of worked flint and Post-Roman pottery showed an almost complete absence in the same area, indicating the possibility that the Roman pottery was imported in topsoil used to infill the quarry. [4, 5]

<1> Humberside Archaeological Unit, 1995, HAU Excavation Index (INDEX). SLS2945.

<2> 1981, WGM 81 fieldwalking, code 'BW' (RECORD SHEET/FORM). SLS3991.

<3> North Lincolnshire Museum, 2008, SHWAP fieldwalking database 2008 (DATA TABLES or DATABASE). SLS3986.

<4> North Lincolnshire Museum, 2008, SHWAP fieldwalking archive (ARCHIVE). SLS3987.

<5> Meridian Airmaps, 1976, Untitled Source (AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH). SLS1319.

Sources and further reading

<1>INDEX: Humberside Archaeological Unit. 1995. HAU Excavation Index.
<2>RECORD SHEET/FORM: 1981. WGM 81 fieldwalking, code 'BW'. 1981.
<3>DATA TABLES or DATABASE: North Lincolnshire Museum. 2008. SHWAP fieldwalking database 2008. NWLFW2008.mdb. Access 2000 mdb.
<4>ARCHIVE: North Lincolnshire Museum. 2008. SHWAP fieldwalking archive. A4 Ring Binder.
<5>AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH: Meridian Airmaps. 1976. 07/76/192. 25 February 1976. SE94502130.

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