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Name:Fishpond, Clipstone
HER Number:M17224
Type of record:Monument
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Summary - not yet available

Monument Types

  • FISHPOND? (Med, Mod ?, Medieval to Late 20th Century - 1066 AD to 2000 AD (at some time))

Full description

About 200yds to E is a ditch said by owner to have been dug for trout breeding. (1)
There is a large pit some 200yds SE of the ruin, at the bottom of the slope near a stream; it is some 300 x 40ft and 15ft deep. This is known locally as the "Cellar Hole" and is reputed to have been dug out in the middle of the last century, to have been filled from the stream, and used to breed fish. It seems likely that this was the Med fishpond, though there are no signs of the dams mentioned in the documentary evidence. (2)

<1> DOE, AM7 - undated, no author (Unpublished document). SNT52.

<2> Thoroton Society, 1960, TTS, p 29 (Published document). SNT374.

Related records

L9408Parent of: Large hollow, Clipstone (Element)
M4100Part of: Medieval hunting lodge (King John's Palace), Clipstone (Building)