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HER Number: 3763
Record Type: Monument
Name: Medieval Moat at Reynold's Farm

Grid Reference: SP 455 105

Monument Type(s):

  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)


Previously unrecognised moat recorded by OUAS in field survey.

Associated Monuments

  • None
  • Associated Finds:

  • None
  • Description

    1) 3 sides of a medieval moat are visible near Reynold's Farm, sometime Moat Farm, with about 3' of running water. Outer bank is stone faced and rises to 10' above present water level. Inner bank collapsed. Width of water about 6'. The mound representing the remains of the original manor house readily recognisable about 20 yards east of present building.
    2 & 9) Previously unrecognised moat recorded by OUAS in field survey
    7) Transferred to Oxon History Centre.
    10) The site consists of a rectangular moated island about 60 by 40m surrounded by a ditch up to 30m wide. Reynold's Farm stands on the W edge of the area and there is a medieval dovecote on the side of the moat. The E and S arms of the moat still have streams but the W arm has been largely infilled. To the S of the moat is a group of fishponds, the largest of which is 25m wide and up to 2m deep and has been partly been infilled and is now only about 80m long. To the SE of this pond are two small fish tanks or fish-stews each 25m long and 5m wide.
    11) Earthworks noted c.1982 on both sides of the A40 may be connected with the moat and fishpond at Reynolds Farm and show that the system was more extensive than previously thought.
    12) Interpreted as Roman fort; see for details.

    <1> Local Informant as main provider of information, Notes by M Aston (undated) (Verbal communication). SOX277.

    <2> Medieval Archaeology, Vol 17 (1973) p.175 (Serial). SOX318.

    <3> General reference, Minn Mss (1956) p.14 in Bodleian Library (Bibliographic reference). SOX373.

    <4> Oxfordshire County Council, 1961, Fairey Aerial Surveys, 5/025 (Photograph). SOX264.

    <5> Slide Cabinet, 1 plan of moat and fishponds and 1 of house within moat taken by M Aston (1973) (Photograph). SOX303.

    <6> Black and White print photographs, 1 plan of moat and fishponds, 3 of house and moat and 2 aerial views, taken by M Aston in 1973 (Photograph). SOX315.

    <7> HER Map Cabinet, Plan of earthworks (undated) (Graphic material). SOX326.

    <9> CBA South Midlands Group, South Midlands Archaeology, CBA9 NL 2 (1972) p.30 (Serial). SOX5.

    <10> CBA South Midlands Group, South Midlands Archaeology, CBA9 NL 4 (1974) p.14 (Serial). SOX5.

    <11> OAU Newsletter, Vol IX No 6 December 1982 p.2 (Article in serial). SOX270.

    <12> Additional Information in Detailed Record File, Alternate interpretation (Index). SOX258.


    <1>Local Informant as main provider of information. Notes by M Aston (undated). [Verbal communication / SOX277]
    <2>Medieval Archaeology. Vol 17 (1973) p.175. [Serial / SOX318]
    <3>General reference. Minn Mss (1956) p.14 in Bodleian Library. [Bibliographic reference / SOX373]
    <4>Oxfordshire County Council. 1961. Fairey Aerial Surveys. print. 5/025. [Photograph / SOX264]
    <5>Slide Cabinet. 1 plan of moat and fishponds and 1 of house within moat taken by M Aston (1973). [Photograph / SOX303]
    <6>Black and White print photographs. 1 plan of moat and fishponds, 3 of house and moat and 2 aerial views, taken by M Aston in 1973. [Photograph / SOX315]
    <7>HER Map Cabinet. Plan of earthworks (undated). [Graphic material / SOX326]
    <9>CBA South Midlands Group. South Midlands Archaeology. CBA9 NL 2 (1972) p.30. [Serial / SOX5]
    <10>CBA South Midlands Group. South Midlands Archaeology. CBA9 NL 4 (1974) p.14. [Serial / SOX5]
    <11>OAU Newsletter. Vol IX No 6 December 1982 p.2. [Article in serial / SOX270]
    <12>Additional Information in Detailed Record File. Alternate interpretation. [Index / SOX258]