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HER Number (PRN):00026
Name:Viroconium Cornoviorum (Roman Wroxeter)
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Scheduled Monument 1003705: Title not entered

Monument Type(s):

  • TOWN (Roman - 43 AD to 410 AD)


Scheduled Monument: The site of Roman Wroxeter, which developed from the 1st century AD onwards, first as a military site (forts and then a full legionary fortress with associated settlement), and subsequently (from the early 2nd century) as a planned Roman city, the 4th largest in Roman Britain and the civitas (tribal) capital for the Cornovii.

Parish:Wroxeter and Uppington, Shrewsbury and Atcham, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ50NE
Grid Reference:SJ 5657 0883

Related records

06422Parent of: Find Spot before 1872 of a Roman coin hoard at Horseshoe Lane, Wroxeter (Find Spot)
30947Parent of: Roman building, c120m NNW of Wroxeter Hotel (Monument)
32098Parent of: Roman buildings, W of St Andrew's Church (Monument)
33280Parent of: Triple-ditched enclosure, NW of Wroxeter defences (Monument)
08030Parent of: Wroxeter Civitas Capital (Monument)
06463Parent of: Wroxeter, Insula 12 and area to south (Monument)
06438Parent of: Wroxeter, Insula 15 and area to west (Monument)
06423Parent of: Wroxeter, Insula 16 and north-east area inside defences (Monument)
06436Parent of: Wroxeter, Insula 2 (Monument)
06460Parent of: Wroxeter, Insula 9 (Monument)
02808Related to: "Wroxeter Castle" (Hall Orchard) (Monument)
04587Related to: Find Spot before 1992 of a Donside Terret near Wroxeter. (Find Spot)
00067Related to: Middle Crows Green Cemetery, Wroxeter (Monument)
03208Related to: Quarrying in the vicinity of Bouldon, Diddlebury parish (Monument)
00066Related to: Roman Road from Wroxeter to Rutinium, Whitchurch and Chester (Monument)
00027Related to: Wroxeter Aqueduct (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA4194 - 1970 field observation by the Ordnance Survey
  • ESA4195 - 1987 field observation by English Heritage
  • ESA4197 - Undated excavation
  • ESA4198 - Undated Excavation at Viroconium Cornoviorum (Roman Wroxeter)
  • ESA4865 - 2002 WB on water and cable trenches at the Parish Room and School House, Wroxeter by SCCAS
  • ESA5075 - 1999 WB on excavation of lining pits along water main DMA711, Wroxeter by BUFAU
  • ESA5225 - 2003 WB on repairs to a burst water main S of Bell Brook, Wroxeter by BUFAU
  • ESA5506 - 1986 WB on telephone cabling through Wroxeter village by Frank & Nancy Ball
  • ESA5724 - 1994 evaluation at Wroxeter Vineyard by Earthworks Archaeological Services
  • ESA6109 - 2006-2007 observations of Roman roof tile in River Severn near Wroxeter
  • ESA6155 - 2007 WB at Wroxeter Roman Vineyard, Shropshire, by SCCAS
  • ESA6281 - 2009 WB at The Old Schoolhouse, Wroxeter by SCCAS/SCAS
  • ESA6390 - 2009/10 WB at Glebe Farm, Wroxeter by SCAS
  • ESA6402 - 2010 evaluation at Wroxeter Roman Vineyard by Birmingham Archaeology
  • ESA6438 - 2010 WB at Mytton Antiques, Attingham Estate, Shropshire by Birmingham Archaeology
  • ESA6510 - 2010 WB and trial excavation at Wroxeter Crossroads,Wroxeter, Shropshire by SCAS
  • ESA6669 - 2010 WB at Glebe Farm, Wroxeter by SCAS
  • ESA6799 - 2005 trial trenching within Insula X, Wroxeter, by Birmingham Archaeology and Birmingham University
  • ESA6800 - 2000 large-scale geophysical survey at the Roman City of Wroxeter by BUFAU
  • ESA6836 - 2012 WB on test pit at the Former Raby Estate long barn, Wroxeter (Insula I of the Roman city) by Castlering Archaeology
  • ESA6837 - 2012 WB on foundation trench at the Former Raby Estate rubblestone barn, Wroxeter (Insula I of the Roman city) by Castlering Archaeology
  • ESA6846 - 2013 test pits within Wroxter Roman City, adjacent to New House, Wroxeter by Castlering Archaeology
  • ESA6914 - 2013 Management survey at Wroxeter Roman City by English Heritage
  • ESA6929 - 2013 WB at Mount Pleasant, Wroxeter by Castlering Archaeology
  • ESA4768 - 2001 WB at Wroxeter Hotel by BUFAU (Ref: 813)
  • ESA5719 - 1991 evaluation at Wroxeter Hotel by BUFAU
  • ESA4786 - 2002 WB on pipeline excavations to the N of the Wroxeter Hotel by BUFAU (Ref: BUFAU 886)
  • ESA4839 - 2002 WB on electricity pole installation near Wroxeter Hotel by BUFAU (Ref: BUFAU Proj 898)
  • ESA5074 - 1997 desk-based assessment of water pipeline DMA711, Wroxeter by BUFAU
  • ESA7076 - 2006 WB relating to the installation of panels at Wroxeter Roman city by Ironbridge Archaeology
  • ESA7080 - 2007 WB at Wroxeter by Ironbridge Archaeology
  • ESA7088 - 2008? WB at Wroxeter by Ironbridge Archaeology
  • ESA7089 - 2008? WB at Wroxeter by Ironbridge Archaeology
  • ESA6775 - 1994-5 field walking survey at Wroxeter south-east & south, South-West Transect (Wroxeter Hinterland Project Location 21) by BUFAU
  • ESA6808 - 2011 WB on land east of the River Severn, Insula XXVIII, Wroxeter, Shropshire, by Castlering Archaeology
  • ESA7597 - 2015 WB on emergency water main repairs adjacent to Wroxeter Farm by SCAS
  • ESA123 - 1991-1992 Excavation of north-eastern defences at Wroxeter by University of Birmingham
  • ESA10512 - 2024 WB on excavation on emergency water-main repairs on Watling Street, Wroxeter by Nigel Baker


Watching Brief carried out in 1986 on trenches excavated by British Telecom for the laying of underground ducts in the village of Wroxeter in 1986. Material recovered from trench 1 included some pieces of millstone grit, broken Romano British tile and sherds of a Romano British grey pot. Material recovered from trench 2 included post medieval pot sherds, broken tile, glass and both animal and human broken bones. <12>

Ruins of the Roman city. This was the capital of the Roman Province called Britannia Secunda. It was the fourth largest city in these islands and its defences enclosed an area of 180 acres as against Roman London with an area of 325 acres. Its ruins still possess the ability to move and impress the imaginative observer. <13>

In 1974 a cottage in Wroxeter village was extended. Some salvage recording was carried out and photographs of this were deposited with the SMR in 1992. <24><25><26>

Excavation was undertaken in the north-eastern corner of the defences at Wroxeter by Esmonde Cleary of the University of Birmingham (see PRN 06415/06482). <50>

In early 1994 an evaluation was carried out at cSJ5655 0805 just south of the scheduled area where there was a proposal to build a house. This involved desk top assessment, geophysical survey and the excavation of trial trenches. It demonstrated that some Roman features and deposits survived as pockets of truncated archaeology. <53>

SMR Comment: The Central Marches Historic Towns Survey [<62><63>] used the PRN SA26 to represent the civitas capital phase of Roman Wroxeter. However, since SA26 has historically been used by the SMR for all phases of Roman Wroxeter, the CMHTS record for the civitas capital has been renumbered 08030. <64>

Evaluated for MPP in 1990-1: one of less than 10 Roman Fortresses; one of less than 10 Classical Temples; one of less than 10 Romano-Celtic Temples. <65>

In 2007 a watching brief was carried out at cSJ565 080 south of the scheduled area where there was a proposal to build a house. No archaeological features or deposits were seen in the excavations of the foundation trenches nor were any artefacts recovered from the top soil. Exact location of site as yet unknown. <68>

During June 2003, a watching brief was carried out within the confines of the Roman city of Viroconium, in connection with the repair of a burst watermain. The excavation did not impact on in situ archaeology; the layers investigated were found to be redeposited from previous work to the watermain. Three sherds of Roman pottery dating to the 2nd-4th century AD, including one piece of undecorated Samian ware were found. <70>

In January 2002 a watching brief was carried during groundworks for the installation of a new water supply and telephone line to the Parish Rooms and School House, Wroxeter at SJ 563 081. Deposits belonging to both the outer and inner side of the rampart may have been encountered as well as the clay and cobble core of the ramparts in the School House garden. However, the lack of finds and the fact that for most part only the tops of these deposits were encountered means their identification as part of the remains of the Roman Rampart remains tentative. <71>

In January 2009 a watching brief was carried out on groundworks for a new driveway to the Old School House, Wroxeter at SJ 5636 0816. An area of clay 7m wide NE to SW was exposed; the edges of the clay dipped down beneath deeper topsoil to the NE and SW. The clay did not appear to be in situ natural subsoil. It is possible that this clay may have been associated with the remains of the defences or ramparts at the southwest corner of the Roman town, although the main circuit of the ramparts are thought to run some 20m to the S of the Old School House garden. No further significant archaeological features were encountered. <72>

Feasibility study of proposed development at Wroxeter. <73>

On the 22nd May 2009 the foundations for a kitchen extension and a new garage were excavated at the Old School House, Wroxeter at SJ 5636 0816. Apart from a series of soil deposits no further significant archaeological features were encountered. A few sherds of 18th and 19th century slipware pottery and china were recovered, but no finds of Roman or medieval date were found. <74>

In October and November 2009 a watching brief was carried out on groundworks associated with a barn conversion at Glebe Farm Barns, Wroxeter. The development site lay on the line of the southern defences of the Roman city of Wroxeter. The watching brief recorded waterlogged or formerly waterlogged deposits over the northern part of the study area. A small group of pits and linear gulleys containing small amounts of Romano British pottery were seen in the south most part of the site. No other significant deposits of features were seen in the course of the watching brief. <75>

In March 2010 Birmingham Archaeology carried out an archaeological evaluation ahead of a planning application for the construction of two bungalows at NGR SJ 5654 0808. The two trial trenches found no archaeological features, deposits or finds, suggesting that the general area was not intensively occupied in the Roman period. <76>

In 2010 an archaeological watching brief was undertaken in respect of a new drainage system at Mytton Antiques, Attingham Estate, Shropshire at NGR SJ 567 096. No archaeological features, structures, deposits or horizons were identified during the course of the groundworks. No artefactual material predating the modern period was recovered. Possible reasons for the absence of archaeological evidence include recent landscaping activity within the area. Early re-used Roman masonry, most likely robbed from nearby Wroxeter, is evident at places in Norton; however, despite the potential of the development site, the watching brief identified no roman archaeological remains within the area. <77>

In November 2010 a watching brief at Glebe Farm Barns, Wroxeter, on the line of the southern defences of the Roman city recorded an area of cobbled surface, likely to represent a yard surface. It lay at approximately the same depth below the modern ground surface as the cobble and pebble surface seen in the 2002 watching brief on the property to the north (The Old Schoolhouse and Parish Rooms; ESA 4865 [<71>]). This latter feature was identified as possible rampart material, but in the light of the results from the current watching brief, an alternative interpretation is that it too may have represented a yard surface. However in each case only a very small area of the top of these surfaces was seen, and no adjacent or underlying associated deposits were exposed, therefore any interpretation of these features must remain tentative. No other significant deposits or features were seen in the course of the watching brief. <78>

A watching brief was undertaken during 2007 on the installation of new visitor centre signs in the car park of the visit centre at Wroxeter. Excavation was limited and no archaeological deposits were disturbed. <85>

In July 2010, a watching brief was undertaken on the erection of a new fence on the southwest side of the B4380, at its intersection with the B4394 (at NGR SJ 5651 0884). In addition, two evaluation trenches were excavated to record the depth of deposits in this are. Both trenches recorded, but did not further excavate, Roman demolition deposits underlying the topsoil. Within the limited ground disturbance associated with the installation of the new fence, the watching brief recorded a small area of opus signinum, representing a floor surface and two possible sections of walls. <88>

An archaeological evaluation was undertaken in January 2013, adjacent to New House, Wroxeter following the submission of a planning application for the erection of an extension. New House is located on the southern edge of the modern village of Wroxeter, within the southern extents of the Scheduled Ancient Monument of the Roman City. Two trial pits measuring approximately 3m by 1m were hand excavated to approximately 0.4 and 0.7m, the maximum depth of proposed footings at each location. No archaeological features were recorded, the area having been disturbed during previous landscaping. The finds assemblage was unremarkable in content; however, the mixed levels of the finds serve as an example of how Post-Roman agricultural activities have aided the distribution of the Roman material across the area of the Roman town and its environs. <89>

An archaeological watching brief was undertaken during the excavation of five foundation pits for supporting buttresses on a disused barn at Mount Pleasant, Wroxeter, together with associated soakaway trenching in 2013. The property known as Mount Pleasant is located within the scheduled area of the former Roman City of Viroconium Cornoviorum. Within the limits of this small excavation, no archaeological features were revealed. <90>

A programme of archaeological monitoring and recording was undertaken in August 2011 during the renewal of the 11kv electricity line and supporting poles crossing the northern portion of OS Plot 2533, an open field on the east bank of the River Severn, at c. SJ 5626 0842. Geophysical survey has established the presence of significant Roman archaeology in this area, labelled Insula 28. The presentwork comprised the hand excavation of six pits with further augering to be undertaken by the contractors. The excavation of the pits on previously unevaluated land has provided an insight into the past land-use of Insula XXVIII of the Roman City. The area of the pits in general has clearly been disturbed by ploughing in the pre-1970s period and the mixed contexts revealed no firm evidence of the original date of deposition of layers or finds. Finds were located in all soils and at all depths and the number of finds recovered is extremely high when compared with the size of the excavated pits. The finds recovered were almost entirely Roman in date, residual and mixed in context, number and variety. The datable range of the finds ranges from the first to fourth century. The only features recorded were in Pits 5 and 6, the two pits nearer the roadside. The stone surfaces uncovered in these Pits appear to represent possible yard areas or the internal surface of non-domestic buildings which were presumably set back from the street frontage to the east. The fragments of building materials, comprising brick, floor tile, roof tile and nails, may have derived from a more roadside location. Although the building material recovered was Roman in date, it may have continued in use in the Anglo-Saxon period, following the age old practice of re-use. The recovery of finds of potential second to fourth century date from below and above the stone surfaces in Pits 5 and 6 prevents attributing an accurate date to the features. However, allowing for post-Roman agricultural disturbance, a second to third century construction date seems the most likely. While the programme of monitoring and recording appears to confirm the absence of significant buried structural remains at the pit locations, modern geophysical survey has shown a good survival of below ground archaeology on the field itself. Within the limitations of the current excavation work, a significant number of finds have been recovered and two possible yard surfaces. The record has increased our knowledge of the previously unevaluated Insula XXVIII, indicating that further archaeological evidence lies below ground within this field. <91>

A watching brief carried out in February 2002, during electricity supply works to the N of the Wroxeter Hotel (at NGR SJ 5634 0835) located the foundation for the wall of a building probably founded in the 2nd century. A further watching brief, carried out in March 2002, on the installation of a water pipeline just to the north of this site recorded a further foundation wall of this building. The evidence is of a stone-footed building, aligned north-south with its frontage on the street to the north. This building was clearly situated at the northern end of the eastern frontage of insula XXVII and is paralleled by earlier geophysical and archaeological evidence for other buildings further to the south and along the same frontage. <92><93>

Photographed during aerial photographic survey between 2007 and 2012. <94>-<102>

A desk-based assessment was undertaken in 1997 of the archaeological impact of the renewal of a water main at Wroxeter, passing through the centre of the Roman town. 17 sites of 'interventions' associated with the renewal of the water main were assessed and programmes of archaeological recording recommended. <103>

Following on from the desk-based assessment in 1997 [<103>], a programme of archaeological work was carried out at Wroxeter in advance of water main relining by Severn Trent Water Ltd who funded the work. A total of 24 holes was excavated at specified locations and in most cases to set dimensions of 2m by 1.7m in size and c 1.5m deep. The degree and nature of activity varied in the lining holes with some showing only road surfaces or limited evidence for human settlement. In two holes, evidence of buildings was found and in one of these (lining hole 12) the evidence had a very early starting date, earlier or contemporary with the legionary fortress established in c AD 57. <104>

A watching brief was undertaken during the installation of new interpretation panels at Wroxeter Roman city in 2006. The excavation required was minimal. The excavation of two postholes recorded 20th century deposits associated with the presentation of the site to the public. One posthole recorded some masonry deposits (within insula 5 [PRN 06497]). These were identified as tumble deposits from collapsed walls, and not in situ structural remains. <105>

General aerial photographs of Wroxeter taken by Chris Musson in 1996. <106>

Archaeological evaluation undertaken in 1991 to the rear of Wroxeter Hotel indicated that this area had not been intensively occupied, with 'backplot' activity being recorded (see PRN 06476). <107>

Photographed during aerial survey in 2013. <108>

A watching brief was undertaken during emergency repairs to a burst water main at Wroxeter, involving the excavation of a small trench to assess and repair the burst main at NGR SJ 5651 0876. This was a condition on class consent for the SMC granted for the work. All the excavations were carried out entirely within ground that had previous been disturbed during the laying of water mains and no significant features or deposits were recorded during the watching brief. <109>

A watching brief was carried out in 2001 in advance of construction of an extension to the Wroxeter Hotel, at the south end of the Roman city of Viroconium. No archaeology of significance was discovered in Trenches 1,4 and 5. At the east end of Trench 2, the base of a possible bank was found, with a marking out ditch behind. On top of the bank, a hearth was identified in section. An irregular paved surface was found at the west end of the site, interpreted as hard standing and dated by 2nd-4th century pottery amongst its stonework. The hearth and paved stone surface were both preserved in situ. <110>

Guidebook from 1978 produced by the Department of the Environment held in SMR DRF. <111>

Photographed during aerial survey in 2017, when the parchmarks of streets and buildings were particularly visible. <112><113>

Photographed again during aerial survey in 2018, a dry hot summer, when parchmarks of streets and buildings were again clearly visible (see also child records). <114>-<129>

Bowl shaped ceramic vessels found in the Roman bath house at Wroxeter were examined to identify the pigments which they contained. Several pigments were identified using polarising microscopy in combination with qualitative X-ray fluorescence. Common Romano-British pigments such as Egyptian Blue and haematite were identified, together with a lake pigment which may not have previously been identified in a Romano-British context. <130>

Shropshire Archives hold 2 watercolours of the Old Work, Wroxeter (References 6001/372/1/67; 6001/372/1/68), by Reverend Edward Williams, dated to 1788. Small-scale thumbnails can be found via their online catalogue: https://www.shropshirearchives.org.uk/collections/getrecord/CCA_X6001_19_372A_67; https://www.shropshirearchives.org.uk/collections/getrecord/CCA_X6001_19_372A_68 . <131>

Photographed during aerial survey in 2021; no particular parching visible. <132>

Archaeological monitoring of a repair to a stop tap in the east-side verge of the B4380, outside the property Penwood at NGR SJ 53396 08061, recorded no archaeological deposits and no artefacts. The excavation, 0.8m to 1m deep encountered only sandy subsoil; there was no sight of undisturbed natural sand. <133>


[00]SSA20722 - Card index: Shropshire County Council SMR. Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards. SMR record cards. SMR Card for PRN SA 00026.
[01]SSA124 - Card index: Ordnance Survey. 1977. Ordnance Survey Record Card SJ50NE12. Ordnance Survey record cards. SJ50NE12.
[02]SSA123 - Card index: Ordnance Survey. 1979. Ordnance Survey Record Card SJ50NE10. Ordnance Survey record cards. SJ50NE10.
[03]SSA15931 - Oblique aerial photograph: Cambridge University Collection of Air Photos (CUCAP). 1961-Jul-06. CUCAP ADQ59 to ADQ67 and ADQ75 to ADQ78 (13 Photos). Black and white.
[04]SSA15932 - Oblique aerial photograph: Baker W A. 1962. WAB 11640_2171. .
[05]SSA15933 - Oblique aerial photograph: Baker W A. 1957. WAB 199. Black and white.
[06]SSA15934 - Oblique aerial photograph: Baker W A. 1962. WAB 11644_2164 to 2165 and 2168 to 2169 (4 Photos). .
[07]SSA16038 - Oblique aerial photograph: Baker W A. 1957. Duplicate of SSA15945?. Black and white.
[08]SSA15935 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1984-Jul-21. CPAT 84/MB/0461 to 0463 (3 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[09]SSA15936 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1979-Jul-25. CPAT 79/CI/0002.
[10]SSA15937 - Oblique aerial photograph: Pickering Jim. Oblique View.
[11]SSA15938 - Oblique aerial photograph: Baker W A. 1989. Oblique View, 1989.
[12]SSA118 - Watching brief report: Ball F & Ball N. 1986. Two Trenches Dug by British Telecom ... 20 March 1986.
[13]SSA110 - Monograph: Pevsner Nikolaus. 1958. Buildings of England (Shropshire). Buildings of England. p329.
[14a]SSA114 - Guidebook: Garner L. 1985. Shropshire Guide. Shropshire Guides. No 7. p12.
[14b]SSA113 - Article in serial: Barker Philip A. 1979. The End of Roman Britain. Britannia. Vol 6 (or Vol 10?).
[14d]SSA116 - Article in serial: Jackson K. 1968. Article in the Journal of Roman Studies. J Roman Stud. Vol 58. p296-300.
[14c]SSA112 - Volume: Barker Philip A. 1968. BAR British Series Report (Title not identified). BAR British Series. Vol 71(viii) [?]. p206-207.
[14]SSA130 - Field Monument Warden Report: Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission (HBMC). 1987-Jul-15. Scheduled Monument Report on SAM 32838 (15/07/1987).
[14e]SSA115 - Article in serial: Jackson K. 1940. Excavations at Viroconium. Antiq J. Vol 88. p175-227.
[14f]SSA117 - Article in serial: Kenyon K M. Unknown. Article in Archaeologia. Archaeologia.
[15]SSA19893 - Oblique aerial photograph: Barret Gill. 1990. Barret Gill, Oblique View, 1990: 90/01/A/23 (Colour slide). Colour.
[16]SSA19894 - Oblique aerial photograph: Barret Gill. 1990. Barret Gill, Oblique View, 1990: 90/03/F/15-21 (Colour slide). Colour.
[17]SSA19895 - Oblique aerial photograph: Barret Gill. 1990. Barret Gill, Barret Gill, Oblique View, 1990: 90/04/H/27 (Colour slide): 90/04/H/30-33 (Colour slide). Colour.
[18]SSA19896 - Oblique aerial photograph: Barret Gill. 1990. Barret Gill, Oblique View, 1990: 90/04/I/27-28 (Colour slide). Colour.
[19]SSA19897 - Oblique aerial photograph: Roberts M. 1990. Roberts M, Oblique View, 1990: 90/12BW/05 (Photographic medium).
[20]SSA19898 - Oblique aerial photograph: Roberts M. 1990. Roberts M, Oblique View, 1990: 90/10/12-13 (Colour slide). Colour.
[21]SSA19899 - Oblique aerial photograph: Roberts M. 1990. Roberts M, Oblique View, 1990: 90/12/05 (Colour slide). Colour.
[22]SSA127 - Photograph: Tyler Alan W. 1979. Baths Basilica. Colour.
[23]SSA128 - Photograph: Watson Michael D. 1985. Baths Basilica under Excavation. Colour.
[24]SSA129 - Photograph: Bishop E. 1974. Slides of WR4 - 74. Colour.
[25]SSA126 - Photograph: Bishop E. 1974. WR4-74. Colour.
[26]SSA122 - Article in serial: Anon. 1975. Destruction at Wroxeter. Shropshire News Sht. No 1. p2.
[27]SSA19900 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1986-Jul-25. CPAT 86/MB/0872 to 0873 (2 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[28]SSA19901 - Oblique aerial photograph: Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust. Oblique View. Colour.
[29]SSA19902 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1989-Jul-28. CPAT 89/C/0254. Colour. 35mm.
[30]SSA19903 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1992-May-05. CPAT 92/MB/0516 to 0518 (3 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[31]SSA19904 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1992-May-05. CPAT 92/MC10/0018. Colour. Medium.
[32]SSA19905 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1992-May-05. CPAT 92/C/0787. Colour. 35mm.
[33]SSA105 - Correspondence: English Heritage. 1992. Correspondence, 1992.
[34]SSA107 - Correspondence: Various. 1990/ 1991. Correspondence, 1990-91.
[35]SSA104 - Correspondence: English Heritage. 1990. Correspondence, 1990.
[36]SSA106 - Correspondence: Various. 1988. Correspondence, 1988.
[37]SSA108 - Correspondence: Various. 1990. Correspondence, 1990.
[38]SSA20254 - Scheduled Monument Consent notification: Department of the Environment (DoE). 1986-Jan-26. Scheduled Monument Consent for telecoms cabling. Salop 32.
[39]SSA20255 - Planning archive: Shropshire County Council. 1978. Consultation Response, 1978. DC proforma PF1.
[40]SSA20256 - Planning archive: Shropshire County Council. 1989. Consultation Response, 1989. DC proforma PF2.
[41]SSA20257 - Planning archive: Shropshire County Council. 1990. Consultation Response, 1990. DC proforma PF2.
[42]SSA20258 - Planning archive: Shropshire County Council. 1990. Consultation Response, 1990. DC proforma PF2.
[43]SSA20259 - Planning archive: Shropshire County Council. 1991. Consultation Response, 1991. DC proforma PF2.
[44]SSA20260 - Planning archive: Shropshire County Council. 1991. Consultation Response, 1991. DC proforma PF2.
[45]SSA121 - Correspondence: Shropshire County Council. 1992. Correspondence, 1992. English Heritage.
[46]SSA103 - Aerial photograph transcription: Baker W A. 1992. AP Plot of Site 148 on Fig 13.22. Site 148 on Fig 13.22.
[47]SSA12930 - Oblique aerial photograph: Tyler Alan W. 1980-Sep. View of Hall Orchard, Wroxeter Village, Sep 1980. Black and white. 35mm.
[48]SSA125 - Photograph: Watson Michael D. 1983. The Old Work, Wroxeter. Black and white. 35mm.
[49]SSA19906 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1993. CPAT 93/MC01/0017 to 0018 (2 photos).
[50]SSA28261 - Excavation report: Esmonde Cleary A S. 1992. Excavations at Wroxeter 1992: an interim report.
[51]SSA120 - Correspondence: Haigh David H. 1993. Correspondence, 1993. Local resident.
[52]SSA119 - Correspondence: Clarke C. 1994. Correspondence, 28/02/1994.
[53]SSA111 - Excavation report: Walker W S. 1994. An Archaeological Evaluation at The Vineyards, Wroxeter. Earthworks Archaeol Rep.
[54]SSA19909 - Oblique aerial photograph: Barret Gill. 1991. Barret Gill, Barret Gill, Oblique View, 1991: 91/01/D/24 (Colour slide): 91/01/D/26-27 (Colour slide). Colour.
[55]SSA12766 - Oblique aerial photograph: Tyler Alan W. 1980-Sep. zSMRF 111/08. Black and white. 35mm.
[56]SSA19892 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1989. CPAT 89/MB/01052.
[57]SSA19907 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1993. CPAT 93/C/0527 to 0531 (5 photos).
[58]SSA19908 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1993. CPAT 93/MB/0043 to 0049 (7 photos).
[59]SSA20261 - Scheduled Monument Consent notification: Department of National Heritage (DNH). 1994-Jun-27. Scheduled Monument Consent for conservatory construction. Salop 32.
[60]SSA20262 - Scheduled Monument Consent notification: Department of National Heritage (DNH). 1994-Aug-22. Scheduled Monument Consent for hedge and fence works. Salop 32.
[61]SSA20263 - Scheduled Monument Consent notification: English Heritage. 1995-Oct-31. Section 42 Consent for metal detector survey by Seven Trent Water. Salop 32.
[62]SSA19976 - Record form: Dalwood Hal & White Roger H. 1993/ 1996. CMHTS SMR Records Shropshire: Wroxeter. Central Marches Historic Towns Survey record form. Vol 13. Wroxeter 26, renumbered 08030.
[63]SSA12089 - Historic landscape survey report: White Roger H & Dalwood Hal. 1996. Archaeological Assessment of Wroxeter, Shropshire (CMHTS). Hereford & Worcester CAS Rep. Rep 356.
[64]SSA20725 - HER comment: Gathercole E Clare. 1999/ 2002. Comments by SMR compiler in SMR database. 05/03/2001.
[65]SSA20084 - TEXT: Horton Wendy B. 1990/ 1991. MPP Evaluation File. Roman Fortresses, Classical Temples, Romano-Celtic Temples.
[66]SSA21359 - Article in serial: Anon. 1988. A watching brief on British Telecom trenches at Wroxeter. Shropshire Newsl. 26. p2-3.
[67]SSA21712 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 2002-Jul-21. CPAT 02/MB/2009 to 2012 (4 photos). Black and White. Medium.
[68]SSA22987 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2007. Watching brief at Wroxeter Roman Vineyard, Shropshire. SCCAS Rep.
[69]SSA22926 - Watching brief report: Baker Nigel J. 2007. Roman debris in the River Severn at Wroxeter, SJ 5619 0831.
[70]SSA21186 - Watching brief report: Hewson M. 2003. Wroxeter water main: an archaeological watching brief 2003. BUFAU Rep. Proj 1084.
[71]SSA20878 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2002. A watching brief at the Parish Room and School House, Wroxeter. SCCAS Rep. 206.
[72]SSA23259 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2009. An archaeological watching brief at The Old Schoolhouse, Wroxeter, Shropshire. SCCAS Rep. 262. p1-2.
[73]SSA23299 - Management report: Anon. Wroxeter Roman city: a feasibility study of proposed development.
[74]SSA23367 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2009. Archaeological monitoring of groundworks at The Old Schoolhouse, Wroxeter, Shropshire. SCCAS Rep. 268.
[75]SSA23473 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2010. An archaeological watching brief at Glebe Farm Barns, Wroxeter, Shropshire. SCAS Rep. 272.
[76]SSA23494 - Excavation report: Macey-Bracken E. 2010. Wroxeter Roman Vineyard, Wroxeter, Shropshire: archaeological evaluation. Birmingham Arch Rep. PN 2051.
[77]SSA23572 - Watching brief report: Mann P. 2010. Mytton Antiques, Attingham Estate, Shropshire: archaeological watching brief. Birmingham Arch Rep. PN2095.
[78]SSA23984 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2010. An Archaeological Watching Brief at Glebe Farm Barns, Wroxeter, Shropshire, 2010. SCAS Rep. 289.
[79]SSA24022 - Monograph: Bayliss A et al. 2012. Radiocarbon dates from samples funded by English Heritage between 1981 and 1988. English Heritage Archaeological Monographs. p320-21;HAR-5628; HAR-5629.
[80]SSA24262 - Archaeological specialist report: English Heritage. 1988. Ancient Monuments Laboratory reports 6: January to June 1988.
[81]SSA24263 - Archaeological specialist report: English Heritage. 1989. Ancient Monuments Laboratory reports 7: July to December 1989.
[82]SSA24264 - Archaeological specialist report: English Heritage. 1990. Ancient Monuments Laboratory reports 9: July to December 1990.
[83]SSA24266 - Archaeological specialist report: English Heritage. 1991. Ancient Monuments Laboratory reports 11: September to December 1991.
[84]SSA24373 - Management report: Page A Vause E & Sebire H. 2013. Wroxeter Roman City Management Plan, Part 1. English Heritage.
[85]SSA24429 - Watching brief report: Roper S. 2007. Archaeological watching brief of visitor centre signs at Wroxeter Roman City. Ironbridge Archaeology Series. 187.
[86]SSA24437 - Watching brief report: Wallis A. 2008. Wroxeter: watching brief. Ironbridge Archaeology Series. 221.
[87]SSA24438 - Watching brief report: Wallis A. 2008. Wroxeter: watching brief. Ironbridge Archaeology Series. 224.
[88]SSA23718 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2010. A watching brief at Wroxeter Crossroads, Wroxeter, Shropshire, 2010. SCAS Rep. 286.
[89]SSA24268 - Excavation report: Frost Pat. 2013. New House, Wroxeter, Shropshire, SJ 5637 0806 (southern extent of the Roman City): archaeological evaluation. Castlering Archaeol Rep. 405.
[90]SSA24402 - Watching brief report: Frost Pat. 2013. Mount Pleasant, Wroxeter, Shropshire: archaeological watching brief. Castlering Archaeol Rep. 402.
[91]SSA24218 - Watching brief report: Frost Pat. 2012. Overhead powerline replacement on land east of the River Severn, Insula XXVIII, Wroxeter, Shropshire. Castlering Archaeol Rep. 366.
[92]SSA20853 - Watching brief report: Krakowicz R. 2002. Installation of electricity poles in and adj to Wroxeter Hotel, Shropshire: an archaeological watching brief. BUFAU Rep. Proj 898.
[93]SSA20803 - Watching brief report: Krakowicz R & White Roger H. 2002. Waterworks Relating to the Wroxeter Hotel, Shropshire: an Archaeological Watching Brief. BUFAU Rep.
[94]SSA26863 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2007-Aug-8. SA0705_189 to SA0705_190 (2 photos) Flight: 07_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[95]SSA24915 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2007-Aug-8. SA0705_077 to SA0705_079 (3 photos) Flight: 07_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[96]SSA25262 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2008-Jul-26. SA0811_016 and SA0811_019 (2 photos) Flight: 08_SA_11. Colour. Digital.
[97]SSA26042 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2009-Mar-19. SA0905_77 to SA0905_82 (6 photos) Flight: 09_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[98]SSA26254 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2010-Jun-17. SA1006_131 to SA1006_147 (17 photos) Flight: 10_SA_06. Colour. Digital.
[99]SSA26397 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2010-Mar-2. SA1003_081 to SA1003_086 (6 photos) Flight: 10_SA_03. Colour. Digital.
[100]SSA26461 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2011-May-3. SA1101_057 to SA1101_066 (10 photos) Flight: 11_SA_01. Colour. Digital.
[100]SSA2272 - Painting: Williams E Rev. 1785-1823. Watercolours of Shropshire churches, chapels etc.. Watercolour. https://www.shropshirearchives.org.uk/collections/getrecord/CCA_X6001_19_372A_68.
[101]SSA26669 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2012-May-23. SA1201_109 to SA1201_110 (2 photos) Flight: 12_SA_01. Colour. Digital.
[102]SSA27118 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2012-May-23. SA1201_113 to SA1201_117 (5 photos) Flight: 12_SA_01. Colour. Digital.
[103]SSA21063 - Deskbased survey report: White Roger H. 1997. Renewal of pipeline Atcham DMA711 at Wroxeter: a desk top assessment. BUFAU Rep. Proj 462.
[104]SSA21064 - Excavation report: White Roger H. 2000. Final report on excavations in advance of water main relining at Wroxeter Roman City, Shropshire. BUFAU Rep. Proj 462.2.
[105]SSA24425 - Watching brief report: Roper S. 2006. Archaeological watching brief of interpretation panel upgrade, Wroxeter Roman City. Ironbridge Archaeology Series. 179.
[106]SSA27513 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1996-Jul-20. CPAT 96/C/1212 to 96/C/1214 (3 Photos). Colour. Medium.
[107]SSA11981 - Archaeological fieldwork report: Buteux Simon & Leach Peter J. 1992. Wroxeter Hotel, Wroxeter: an archaeological evaluation. BUFAU Rep. 192.
[108]SSA28010 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2013-Jul-19. SA1302-060 to SA1302-068; SA1302-073 to SA1302-083 (20 photos) Flight: 13_SA_02. Colour. Digital.
[109]SSA28230 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 2015. A watching brief on emergency water main repairs at Wroxeter, Shropshire. SCAS Rep. 376.
[110]SSA20771 - Watching brief report: White Roger H. 2001. A Watching Brief at Wroxeter Hotel, Shropshire. BUFAU Rep. 813.
[111]SSA28259 - Guidebook: Webster G and Barker P. 1978. Viroconium: Wroxeter Roman City. Department of the Environment Guide Books.
[112]SSA29546 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2017-Jul-12. SA1701-220 to SA1701-248 (29 photos) Flight: 17_SA_01. Colour. Digital.
[113]SSA29563 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2017-Jul-20. SA1702-071 to SA1702-086 (16 photos) Flight: 17_SA_02. Colour. Digital.
[114]SSA30153 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jun-28. SA1802_091 (1 photo) Flight: 18_SA_02. Colour. Digital.
[115]SSA30171 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-03. SA1803_038 to SA1803_043 (6 photos) Flight: 18_SA_03. Colour. Digital.
[116]SSA30172 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-03. SA1803_044 to SA1803_049 (6 photos) Flight: 18_SA_03. Colour. Digital.
[117]SSA30173 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-03. SA1803_051 to SA1803_052 (2 photos) Flight: 18_SA_03. Colour. Digital.
[118]SSA30175 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-03. SA1803_054 to SA1803_056 (3 photos) Flight: 18_SA_03. Colour. Digital.
[119]SSA30211 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-10. SA1804_006 to SA1804_007 (2 photos) Flight: 18_SA_04. Colour. Digital.
[120]SSA30212 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-10. SA1804_008 (1 photo) Flight: 18_SA_04. Colour. Digital.
[121]SSA30213 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-10. SA1804_009 to SA1804_018 (10 photos) Flight: 18_SA_04. Colour. Digital.
[122]SSA30214 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-10. SA1804_019 (1 photo) Flight: 18_SA_04. Colour. Digital.
[123]SSA30215 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-10. SA1804_020 to SA1804_021 (2 photos) Flight: 18_SA_04. Colour. Digital.
[124]SSA30216 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-10. SA1804_022 to SA1804_023 (2 photos) Flight: 18_SA_04. Colour. Digital.
[125]SSA30270 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-17. SA1805_007 to SA1805_008 (2 photos) Flight: 18_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[126]SSA30271 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-17. SA1805_009 (1 photo) Flight: 18_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[127]SSA30272 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-17. SA1805_010 (1 photo) Flight: 18_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[128]SSA30274 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-17. SA1805_012 to SA1805_014 (3 photos) Flight: 18_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[129]SSA30275 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2018-Jul-17. SA1805_015 (1 photo) Flight: 18_SA_05. Colour. Digital.
[130]SSA31284 - Artefact specialist report: Hughes H and Heyworth M. 1990. Examination of pigments from Wroxeter, Shropshire. Ancient Monuments Laboratory Rep. 91/90.
[131]SSA2272 - Painting: Williams E Rev. 1785-1823. Watercolours of Shropshire churches, chapels etc.. Watercolour. https://www.shropshirearchives.org.uk/collections/getrecord/CCA_X6001_19_372A_68.
[132]SSA31827 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2021-Jul-15. SA2101_036 to SA2101_038 (3 photos) Flight: 21_SA_01. Colour. Digital.
[133]SSA33021 - Watching brief report: Baker Nigel J. 2024. An archaeological watching-brief on a water-main repair in Wroxeter Village, Shropshire. Nigel Baker Rep.
Date Last Edited:Mar 1 2024 12:43PM