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HER Number (PRN):01641
Name:Pool Hall Moat
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Scheduled Monument 1019833: Pool Hall moated site

Monument Type(s):


Scheduled Monument and Grade II* Listed Building: A well preserved moated site, believed to have been the centre of the medieval manor of Alveley, which still contains remains of medieval structures as well as the 16th/17th century Pool Hall.

Parish:Alveley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SO78SE
Grid Reference:SO 7677 8374

Related records

03441Parent of: Fishpond at Pool Hall (Monument)
11421Parent of: Pool Hall, Acton Round (Building)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA2185 - 1979 field observation by the Ordnance Survey
  • ESA2186 - 1980 field observation by Shropshire County Council


D shaped moat with a ditch of irregular width between 20m and 18m . It is waterfilled except for the S arm which is now only waterlogged and 2.5m deep. Only the E half of this S arm survives, the rest having been filled in to provide a more suitable entrance for the C18 hall (SA 11421) The W arm widens into a wide lake feature c 25m wide. Due to marked drops in the ground level at the N edge of the moat there is a very substantial irregular outer retaining bank along this side up to 3m high and 8m wide, though averaging 3m wide. This bank has a wide, probably modern breach in its middle with a sluice ...this may be a replacement of an earlier similar water control system at this point. At the SE corner of the moat is a probable linear fishpond..no longer waterfilled..c12m x 48m and 2m deep. At the SW corner of the moat is another possible fishpond in the form of a large rectangular depression c48m by 60m..See SA 3441 for two further fishponds filled in 1976. Perhaps the most interesting part of the site is the area of to the N of the moat where covering 2.5 acres is a complex series ..of banks, mounds and pond bays. They all appear to be connected with water control <3>

Shown on a survey plan of 1841. <4>

Evaluated for MPP in 1990-1: Medium score as one of 133 Moated sites; Medium score as one of 52 Fishponds <5>

Scheduled in 2001. Scheduling description: ->

-> The monument includes the earthwork, upstanding structural and buried remains of a medieval moated site. It is considered to be the centre of the manor of Alveley, which in 1562 was split between Humphrey Grove, Thomas Throckmorton and Margaret his wife. In 1583, on the death of his father, half of the manor, passed to John Grove, a freeman of the Right Worshipful Company of Grocers of London, who died in 1616. A documentary source indicates that John Grove may have obtained sole ownership of the manor house in 1594. It is likely that, soon after this acquisition, John Grove constructed Pool Hall, a large three storeyed brick-built house, which sits in the centre of the moated island. The front of the house was refaced in the early 18th century. The house and the 18th century walled forecourt are Listed Buildings Grade II*. The moated site was constructed on a north west facing slope in an area of undulating land. The waterfilled moat defines a D-shaped island approximately 55m north to south by 80m east to west (maximum dimensions). With the exception of the western moat arm, the arms of the moat are between 12m and 18m wide. The western arm has been enlarged to form a rectangular pool about 26m wide by 60m long (maximum dimensions). The western half of the southern arm was infilled during the early 18th century in order to construct the walled forecourt. This part of the moat will, however, survive as a buried feature. ->

-> The eastern boundary wall of the forecourt was built over an earlier entrance causeway constructed of sandstone blocks, which is believed to be of medieval date. The moated island has been revetted with stone, which along the southern side forms the base of a stone-built curtain wall, partly heightened with brick in the 18th century. All these structural features, with the exception of the 18th century forecourt walls, are included in the scheduling. A modern earthen causeway now separates the southern and eastern moat arms. To the north and south of the moat, and connected to it, were a series of medieval fishponds. These ponds have been redefined and others constructed to form a modern fishery. The ponds are not included in the scheduling. ->

-> A number of features are excluded from the scheduling, these are; Pool Hall and the adjacent courtyard walls, the outbuildings, sheds and the greenhouse, modern boundary and garden walls, fence and gate posts, paths, the yard and driveway surfaces, all modern ornamental garden features, the cast iron water pump, and the concrete slab fishing stances; the ground beneath all these features is, however, included <6>

<00> Shropshire County Council SMR, Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards, SMR Card for PRN SA 01641 (Card index). SSA20722.

<01a> Royal Air Force, 1948, Vertical View, 1948 (Vertical aerial photograph). SSA17599.

<01> Ordnance Survey, 1979, Ordnance Survey Record Card SO78SE1 (Card index). SSA5963.

<02> Victoria County History, 1908, Victoria County History 1, p402 (Volume). SSA178.

<03> Watson Michael D, 1980-Dec-18, Site Visit Form, 18/12/1980 (Field recording form). SSA5964.

<04> Anon, 1841, Mid C19 Estate Map (Map). SSA5962.

<05> Horton Wendy B, 1990/ 1991, MPP Evaluation File, Moated Sites; Fishponds (TEXT). SSA20084.

<06> English Heritage, 2001, Scheduling Papers (New Scheduling, 09/05/2001) (Scheduled Monument notification). SSA20679.

<07> Newman J & Pevsner N, 2006, Buildings of England: Shropshire, P115 (Monograph). SSA23518.


[00]SSA20722 - Card index: Shropshire County Council SMR. Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards. SMR record cards. SMR Card for PRN SA 01641.
[01a]SSA17599 - Vertical aerial photograph: Royal Air Force. 1948. Vertical View, 1948.
[01]SSA5963 - Card index: Ordnance Survey. 1979. Ordnance Survey Record Card SO78SE1. Ordnance Survey record cards. SO78SE1.
[02]SSA178 - Volume: Victoria County History. 1908. Victoria County History 1. Victoria County History of Shropshire. Vol 1. p402.
[03]SSA5964 - Field recording form: Watson Michael D. 1980-Dec-18. Site Visit Form, 18/12/1980. SMR site visit form.
[04]SSA5962 - Map: Anon. 1841. Mid C19 Estate Map.
[05]SSA20084 - TEXT: Horton Wendy B. 1990/ 1991. MPP Evaluation File. Moated Sites; Fishponds.
[06]SSA20679 - Scheduled Monument notification: English Heritage. 2001. Scheduling Papers (New Scheduling, 09/05/2001). 33843.
[07]SSA23518 - Monograph: Newman J & Pevsner N. 2006. Buildings of England: Shropshire. Buildings of England. P115.
Date Last Edited:May 30 2017 3:21PM