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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):02190
Name:Complex of cropmark ditches at Castle Place, Pulverbatch, aka 'Topins Castell'
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:None recorded

Monument Type(s):


Single ditch rectangular cropmark enclosure with a double ditched linear feature of unknown date. Earthwork evidence has been used to suggest that this site represents a possible motte and bailey castle, possibly identified in the nearby place name.

Parish:Church Pulverbatch, Shrewsbury and Atcham, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ40SW
Grid Reference:SJ 4476 0385

Related records: None recorded

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events: None recorded


Two sides of a single ditched rectangular enclosure lie directly to the W . M Watson comment, 1980 <1>-<4>

Right angled (rounded) double ditch and rounded terminal to pair of ditches <6>

MU.363.1 Unit 1: A probable (double) ditch of unknown date, seen as a cropmark, and mapped from good quality aerial photographs.->

-> MU.363.2 Unit 1: A potential ditch of unknown date, seen as a cropmark, and mapped from good quality aerial photographs. NMR SJ 4403/1 (CUCAP AHF 19) 10-JUN-1963; CUCAP (AHF 18) 10-JUN-1963. ->

-> SJ 4479 0393. A double linear ditch forming a right angle bend, possibly representing part of an enclosure of unknown date, is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs and has been mapped by RCHME's Marches Uplands Mapping Project. A single ditch appears to supply the third side of the potential enclosure, giving overall dimensions of 140m x at least 80m [based on <1>]. <8>

Lidar images reveal (at SJ 4386 0382) the earthwork remains of a large sub-circular embanked and ditched enclosure with an annexe of almost equivalent size attached to the eastern side. Both enclosures have raised interiors. The southern earthwork ditch and bank of both coincide with the course of the curving ditch described above. A single linear ditch of unknown date, following a sinuous course, is visible as a cropmark on aerial photographs. Lidar images reveal the earthwork remains of a large sub-circular embanked and ditched enclosure with an annexe of almost equivalent size attached to the eastern side. Both enclosures have raised interiors. The southern earthwork ditch and bank of both coincide with the course of the curving ditch seen on aerial photographs. The earthworks appear to be the remains of two conjoined enclosures of uncertain date, possibly a motte and bailey or an earlier defended enclosure. The adjacent farm is called Castle Place, possibly derived from the earthwork to the south of the farm. <9>

The earthwork features described in <9> are not particular apparent on LiDAR imagery held by Shropshire HER, but the lobate earthworks are visible on Blue Sky Map Shop LiDAR imagery at https://www.blueskymapshop.com/viewer/height-data/lidar-dtm?x=344671&y=303846&z=1&w=250&h=250&f=&p=[], derived from EA LiDAR data. <10><11>

An early C19 farmhouse inside a large, apparently natural, depression. Sometimes called 'Toppings Castle'. Shown as 'Castle Place' on Ree's 14th century map. There are traces of a double ditch, and to the W two sides of a single ditched rectangular enclosure. <12>

This feature appears to be shown on a map of c.1597 related to a dispute by the manorial lords of Stapleton and Pulverbatch. It is indicated as surviving as a nearthwork as named as "Topins Castell". <13>


[00]SSA20722 - Card index: Shropshire County Council SMR. Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards. SMR record cards. SMR Card for PRN SA 02190.
[01]SSA18095 - Oblique aerial photograph: Cambridge University Collection of Air Photos (CUCAP). 1963-Jun-10. CUCAP AHF18 to AHF19 (2 Photos). Black and white.
[02]SSA18096 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1979-Jul-31. CPAT 79/CQ/0025.
[03]SSA18097 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1979-Jul-31. CPAT 79/CQ/0024.
[04]SSA18098 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1979. CPAT 79/57/0037.
[05]SSA18099 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1979-Jul-31. CPAT 79/16/0012.
[06]SSA7023 - Aerial photograph transcription: National Monuments Record (NMR). 1978. NMR AP sketch plot.
[07]SSA7024 - Aerial photograph transcription: Whimster Rowan. 1982. AP Plot for Plot Sheet SJ4403 Mapping unit SJ447038. Plot Sheet SJ4403 Mapping unit SJ447038. 1:10560.
[08]SSA22521 - Database file: National Monuments Record (NMR). 1993/ 1994. Marches Uplands Mapping Project (MUMP) MORPH records (2006 version). Marches Uplands Survey. MU.363.1 Unit 1; MU.363.2 Unit 1.
[09]SSA28290 - Gazetteer: Historic England (Remote Sensing). 2015. Extract from HE NRHE for New uses for survey data project: trial of lidar for rapid monument recording (existing sites). pp.39-40.
[10]SSA24735 - Geospatial data: Environment Agency. 2014. LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) Hillshade Model.
[11]SSA26784 - HER comment: Carey Giles. 2014 onwards. Comments by Giles Carey, HER compiler in HER database. 12/11/2015.
[12]SSA29943 - Gazetteer: Jackson M. 1985. A gazetteer of Medieval castles in England. Part 33- Shropshire.
[13]SSA30470 - Article in serial: Silvester R J and Athanson M. 2018. Two legal maps from Shropshire. Trans Shropshire Archaeol Hist Soc. 93. pp.45-52.
Date Last Edited:Jun 29 2022 4:32PM