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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):02601
Name:Albright Hussey moated site, apx 10m S of Albright Hussey, A528 (east side)
Type of Record:Monument

Monument Type(s):


The much altered remains of a medieval moated site, of which the only visible earthworks are those of the southern arm of the moat. Although the prominent features on site now are those associated with the 16th and 17th century building, excavations have shown that medieval archaeological remains do survive below ground in parts of the site.

Parish:Pimhill, Shrewsbury and Atcham, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ51NW
Grid Reference:SJ 5021 1758

Related records

13196Related to: Albright Hussey, Battlefield (A528) (Building)
04508Related to: Possible deserted medieval settlement at Albright Hussey (Monument)
01592Related to: Site of Chapel of Albright Hussey (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA2156 - 1994 evaluation in advance of construction of Battlefield Link Road by SCCAS
  • ESA2620 - 1964 field observation by the Ordnance Survey
  • ESA2621 - 1981 field observation by Shropshire County Council
  • ESA2622 - 1989 building analysis and trial excavation at Albright Hussey
  • ESA2623 - 1992 trial trench at Alright Hussey Hotel by SCCAS
  • ESA4979 - 1995 WB on Albright Hussey Hotel extension work by SCCAS
  • ESA5802 - 2001 site visit by English Heritage MPP Fieldworker
  • ESA7223 - 1989 Trial trench at Albright Hussey by City of Hereford Archaeology Unit


The estate of Albright Hussey is mentioned in 1086, and was held by the Hussey family from the C12 to the C17 <1a>
The south and east arms of the moat remain though dry, and the course of the remainder can be traced. The retaining wall of the interior and the stone bridge may be original. OS FI 1964 <1>

Only the south arm of the moat now survives and is water-filled an d c 10m wide. The revetment wall and lower courses of the bridge are clearly contemporary and original. At the SW corner of the island is a probable building platform, perhaps of a structure predating the C16 Hall (PRN 13196). Ridge and furrow abuts onto the SW corner of the moat (See PRN 04508) M Watson FI 1981. <2>

The southern arm of the moat and a short section of the eastern arm were recorded as extant and in water in 1989. The rest of the eastern arm was filled in when a car park was created in the 1970s. A shallow scarp to the N of the house, which possibly reflects the approximate position of the northern arm, now marks the property boundary between the house and the 19th century farm buildings (PRN 27003). The western arm has been filled in and its precise location is uncertain. In November 1989 a trench was dug to establish the position of the western arm of the moat. Unfortunately, it was done without archaeological supervision. An examination of the section suggested that the moat was within the eastern part of this 13.3m long trench and probably extended underneath part of the kitchen wing. The full width of the ditch was in excess of 5m. Its depth was in excess of 1.4m below the present ground surface. It was probably filled in during the C19. Clay and stone which formed the western edge of the ditch could either have been a revetment along this side of the ditch or the debris from the robbing out of a revetment wall. The archaeological potential of the site as a whole was considered to be high, and it was recommended that any development proposal should be met with a requirement for an archaeological evaluation. <4>

An evaluation was carried out in June 1992. It involved the excavation of three trenches:- A at the NE corner of the north range of the hall, B by a C18 outbuilding in the middle of the main courtyard, and C along the northern boundary of the present courtyard. Trench A demonstrated that modern yard surfaces and hardcore directly overlay the natural subsoil. As a result the northern and north-eastern part of the site had suffered from heavy ground clearance, and although potential archaeological features and deposits of unknown date and function were seen cut into the subsoil, they had been severely truncated (PRN 21224). However, Trench B showed that beneath the modern tarmac is a sequence of archaeological deposits, with significant features and deposits of medieval date surviving in good condition at a depth of 0.5m below the present ground surface. The deposits included a possible medieval pebble floor, hearth and associated stake- and postholes (PRN 21223). Trench C revealed what is almost certainly the medieval revetment wall on the inner edge of the moat. Its alignment indicated that the northern arm of the moat was not parallel to the southern arm, so that the moat was irregular in shape. As a result of the evaluation, it was recommended that a watching brief during groundworks would be sufficient in the northern part of the site. For the courtyard area, it was recommended that a watching brief would be adequate IF ground disturbance could be limited to a maximum depth of 0.5m below the present ground surface. If ground disturbance was likely to exceed 0.5m in depth, archaeological excavation of the threatened deposits would have to precede the commencement of construction work. <5>

Listed Building Description: Moat retaining wall and bridge. Probably C15 or C16 retaining wall, and probably C16 or C17 bridge. Dressed grey sandstone retaining wall. Approximately 60 metres long, returning to the north for a short distance at the east end. Dressed grey sandstone bridge with small round arch and chamfered coping. The parapet has probably been rebuilt at a later date. The retaining wall and bridge are certainly of different dates (see straight joints). Albright Hussey (q.v.) was probably formerly moated on 4 sides. The remaining sections to the south and south-east, with retaining wall and bridge, are still partially water filled <6>

In June 1995 a watching brief was undertaken during the groundworks for an extension to Albright Hussey Hotel. The foundation trenches were located to the north of the existing hotel complex. The watching brief for the extension foundations confirmed that there were no significant built up archaeological deposits in the northern part of the moated platform (PRN 21224) as was found during the 1992 evaluation [ESA 2623: Trench A <5>]. Sections of sandstone wall revetting the inner edge of the moat on this northern side of the moated platform were revealed, enabling the extent of the northern edge of the platform to be more precisely located. The course around the north-western edge remains uncertain. The foundation trenches cut through the fills of the northern arm of the moat down to the natural clay subsoil at the base. From material contained in the fills, it would appear likely that the moat was dredged out periodically until the early 18th century at least: deposits which filled the moat contained material that was almost entirely of 18th century or later date. No other significant archaeological features or deposits were noted during the watching brief. <7>

Evaluated for MPP in 1990-1, Medium score as one of 133 Moated sites <8>

All that remains visible of the moated site at Albright Hussey is the southern arm, which retains water. It is revetted with stone and is crossed by a stone-built bridge of 16th or 17th century date. These structural features are listed Grade II. Occupying the western side of the island is a 16th century house, altered in 1601 and partially extended in the 19th century. This building is now a hotel and restaurant. It is a Grade II* Listed Building. The rest of the moat has been infilled. Much of the eastern and western arms are shown on the OS 1st edition 1:2500 scale map. An archaeological evaluation undertaken in 1992 and a watching brief carried out in 1995 found evidence of the sandstone revetment wall around the NE part of the island. During the evaluation well-preserved medieval features and deposits were found to survive at the centre of the island. However, to the north there has been considerable ground disturbance from the laying out of yard surfaces and trenching for drains. The centre of the island is used as a car park and over the northern part of the site an extension to the hotel has been built. The area to the south of the 16th century house has been landscaped to form a garden. <9>

<00> Shropshire County Council SMR, Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards, SMR Card for PRN SA 02601 (Card index). SSA20722.

<01a> Anon, 1913, Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, Pt 2, pxii-xiii (Volume). SSA4429.

<01> Ordnance Survey, 1964, Ordnance Survey Record Card SJ51NW2 (Card index). SSA7460.

<02> Watson Michael D, 1981, Site Visit Form (Field recording form). SSA7461.

<03> Birmingham University, Print out (Index). SSA573.

<04> Morriss Richard K & Shoesmith Ron, 1990, Albright Hussey (Watching brief report). SSA5848.

<05> Hannaford Hugh R, 1992, An Archaeological Evaluation at Albright Hussey, Shrewsbury (Excavation report). SSA7459.

<06> Department of the Environment (DoE), 1987-Nov-27, 46th List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, p41 (List of Buildings). SSA246.

<07> Hannaford Hugh R, 1997, A watching brief at Albright Hussey, Shrewsbury (Watching brief report). SSA20984.

<08> Horton Wendy B, 1990/ 1991, MPP Evaluation File (TEXT). SSA20084.

<09> Reid Malcolm L, 2001-Mar-19, MPP Non-Scheduling Alternative Action Report [19/03/2001] (Alternative Action Report). SSA21999.


[00]SSA20722 - Card index: Shropshire County Council SMR. Site and Monuments Record (SMR) cards. SMR record cards. SMR Card for PRN SA 02601.
[01a]SSA4429 - Volume: Anon. 1913. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society. Transactions Shropshire Archaeol Hist Soc. Ser 4, Vol III (=Vol 26). Pt 2, pxii-xiii.
[01]SSA7460 - Card index: Ordnance Survey. 1964. Ordnance Survey Record Card SJ51NW2. Ordnance Survey record cards. SJ51NW2.
[02]SSA7461 - Field recording form: Watson Michael D. 1981. Site Visit Form. SMR site visit form.
[03]SSA573 - Index: Birmingham University. Print out.
[04]SSA5848 - Watching brief report: Morriss Richard K & Shoesmith Ron. 1990. Albright Hussey. Hereford Archaeology Series. 64.
[05]SSA7459 - Excavation report: Hannaford Hugh R. 1992. An Archaeological Evaluation at Albright Hussey, Shrewsbury. SCCAS Rep. 17.
[06]SSA246 - List of Buildings: Department of the Environment (DoE). 1987-Nov-27. 46th List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. Vol 1584-0. List volume. p41.
[07]SSA20984 - Watching brief report: Hannaford Hugh R. 1997. A watching brief at Albright Hussey, Shrewsbury. SCCAS Rep. 124.
[08]SSA20084 - TEXT: Horton Wendy B. 1990/ 1991. MPP Evaluation File.
[09]SSA21999 - Alternative Action Report: Reid Malcolm L. 2001-Mar-19. MPP Non-Scheduling Alternative Action Report [19/03/2001].
Date Last Edited:Feb 15 2016 9:03AM