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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):08084
Name:Planned Medieval Extension to Hodnet
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Conservation Area: Hodnet

Monument Type(s):

  • TOWN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1540 AD)


An area of tenements probably laid out by the Lord of the Manor in the 12th or 13th century as a commercial venture - the characteristically long, narrow plots can still be traced today.

Parish:Hodnet, North Shropshire, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ62NW
Grid Reference:SJ 6143 2853

Related records

08019Part of: Pre-Conquest and Medieval Hodnet (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA6665 - 2012 trial trenches on land off Abbots Way, Hodnet, Shropshire by Castlering Archaeology


In the mid 13th century Odo de Hodnet, the Lord of the Manor, was granted the right to hold a weekly market and annual fair at Hodnet. It is likely that this provided the stimulus for the planned extension of the village to the north and east of the castle. <1>

The area to the east of the main street is occupied by a regular pattern of narrow, parallel property plots set at a right angle to the main street with gardens running back to a common linear boundary. This pattern is characteristic of medieval tenements or burgages, and is indicative of planned settlement, as is the location of the planned area in relation to the Norman castle. Many such planned settlements originated in the 12th and 13th centuries <2>

A programme of archaeological evaluation, consisting of the excavation of 4 evaluation trenches to inform a planning decision in respect of an application for residential development on land off Abbots Way, Hodnet, was undertaken in 2012, to the east of Unicorn Court. The trenches revealed no evidence of medieval activity on the site. <3>

<01> English Heritage, 2001, Scheduling Papers (Revised Scheduling, 09/03/2001) (Scheduled Monument notification). SSA20345.

<02> Tavener Nick, 2001, Walford House, Drayton Road, Hodnet - a Report on a Watching Brief (Watching brief report). SSA20728.

<03> Frost Pat, 2012, Land off Abbots Way, Hodnet, Shropshire: archaeological evaluation February 2012 (Excavation report). SSA23978.


[01]SSA20345 - Scheduled Monument notification: English Heritage. 2001. Scheduling Papers (Revised Scheduling, 09/03/2001). 33829.
[02]SSA20728 - Watching brief report: Tavener Nick. 2001. Walford House, Drayton Road, Hodnet - a Report on a Watching Brief. Marches Archaeology Series. 212.
[03]SSA23978 - Excavation report: Frost Pat. 2012. Land off Abbots Way, Hodnet, Shropshire: archaeological evaluation February 2012. Castlering Archaeol Rep. 379.
Date Last Edited:Sep 4 2014 3:35PM