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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):08085
Name:Post Medieval Formal Gardens in Hodnet Castle Bailey
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Conservation Area: Hodnet
Scheduled Monument 1019653: Motte and bailey castle on Castle Hill, and the associated remains of a park pale, a fishpond and a formal garden

Monument Type(s):


Scheduled Monument: Formal gardens, probably associated with the 16th/17th century Hodnet Hall, laid out in the erstwhile inner bailey of Hodnet Castle.

Parish:Hodnet, North Shropshire, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ62NW
Grid Reference:SJ 6133 2845

Related records

08087Part of: Former Site of Hodnet Hall (Monument)
00267Part of: Hodnet Motte and Bailey Castle (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA6925 - 2010 Management survey of the motte and bailey castle on Castle Hill by Shropshire Council, HET


Scheduling of Hodnet Castle revised in 2001. Relevant part of Scheduling description: ->

-> The monument includes the earthwork and buried remains of a motte and bailey castle, the standing structural remains of a tower keep, and the associated remains of a park pale, a fishpond and a formal garden. ->

-> Much of the area of the inner bailey appears to have been subsequently modified to create a post-medieval formal garden, The northern and eastern sides of the bailey are defined by a ditch between 9m and 15m wide, of which slight traces are visible. Although it has been extensively infilled, it will survive as a buried feature. The ditch is bounded internally by a low flat-topped bank, between 9m and 10m wide and standing up to 1.1m high, This bank continues alongside the northern part of the ditch that divides the baileys, The area defined by these earthworks contains a series of gullies and low linear raised areas, which are believed to represent parterres and walkways of the garden. A later causeway across the southern part of the ditch separating the baileys provides access to this inner enclosure. This formal garden is situated about 250m north east of the former Hodnet Hall, a large timber-framed mansion demolished in 1870. The former hall is not included in the scheduling. ->

-> It was recommended that the existing grazing regime over the bailey enclosures should continue, with stock levels controlled to prevent breakdown of grass cover.<2>

<01> English Heritage, 2001, Scheduling Papers (Revised Scheduling, 09/03/2001) (Scheduled Monument notification). SSA20345.

<02> Wigley A, 2010, Management Plan for motte and bailey castle on Castle Hill (Management report). SSA23791.


[01]SSA20345 - Scheduled Monument notification: English Heritage. 2001. Scheduling Papers (Revised Scheduling, 09/03/2001). 33829.
[02]SSA23791 - Management report: Wigley A. 2010. Management Plan for motte and bailey castle on Castle Hill. Shropshire Council.
Date Last Edited:Mar 11 2015 11:27AM