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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):21426
Name:Earthwork remains of enclosure and trackway NE of Holdgate Hall farm
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Scheduled Monument 1012859: Holdgate Castle motte and bailey castle and garden remains at Hall Farm

Monument Type(s):


Earthwork remains of an enclosure subdived by an axial track or path and interpreted as possible post-medieval garden remains, market enclosure or failed town plantation.

Parish:Abdon, South Shropshire, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SO58NE
Grid Reference:SO 5635 8971

Related records

00183Part of: Holdgate Castle motte and bailey castle at Hall Farm (Monument)
07721Part of: Holdgate Castle parks and garden earthworks (Monument)
02588Part of: Holdgate Deserted Medieval Village (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA2613 - 1981 survey
  • ESA2614 - 1986 survey of Holdgate DMV by the NMR
  • ESA2615 - 1979 field observation by the Ordnance Survey


The earthworks at Holdgate were surveyed during a one week field archaeology course …directed by Trevor Rowley and James Bond and interpreted entirely as settlement remains. They proposed that the earthworks NE of Holdgate Hall represented an outer bailey of Holdgate Castle<1>

Surveyed by the RCHME in 1986: -

"To the E…lies a curiously edge-shaped field ('d' on plan), so defined by existing hedgelines but also by scarps within it….Internally this area was planted as an orchard until recently and is covered with orchard banks….A suggestion that this block represents an outer bailey to the early castle is unconvincing, because of its siting, its shape, and its slight definition. It is more likely to be part of a post medieval formal garden layout (PRN 07721) and defined by a shanging road layout….The remains of an axial path or walk, disturbed in the W but crisply defined at its E end by a double scarp, bisects it longitudinally.".<2><3>

Alternative interpretations are put forward in VCH Vol. X: -

"A raised edge-shaped area (c.1.5ha) tapers from the castle north-eastwards along the ridge and is bisected length-wise by an abandoned roadway, which is aligned on the castle motte and continues the former line of the Stanton Long road….The raised area is unexplained and undated; it may be the abandoned site of the 13th-century market or an unrecorded attempt at town plantation.".<4>

<01> Anon, 1981, Report of the Medieval Village Research Group (Volume). SSA7437.

<02> Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME), 1986, Reports on Holdgate Castle, Formal Garden Remains and Settlement Remains, p.6 (Field survey report). SSA952.

<03> Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME), 1986, Measured Survey of formal garden remains at Holdgate (Measured survey drawing). SSA10271.

<04> Baugh G C (ed), 1998, Victoria County History X: Wenlock, Upper Corvedale and the Stretton Hills, p.135 (Monograph). SSA20185.


[01]SSA7437 - Volume: Anon. 1981. Report of the Medieval Village Research Group. Report of the Medieval Village Research Group.
[02]SSA952 - Field survey report: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME). 1986. Reports on Holdgate Castle, Formal Garden Remains and Settlement Remains. RCHME Rep. p.6.
[03]SSA10271 - Measured survey drawing: Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England (RCHME). 1986. Measured Survey of formal garden remains at Holdgate. 1:1000.
[04]SSA20185 - Monograph: Baugh G C (ed). 1998. Victoria County History X: Wenlock, Upper Corvedale and the Stretton Hills. Vol 10. p.135.
Date Last Edited:Oct 3 2014 5:13PM