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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):21679
Name:Possible tower or defensive works in Inner Bailey, Hopton Castle
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:Scheduled Monument 1013827: Hopton Castle tower keep castle with outer bailey 150m north west of Park Cottage

Monument Type(s):


Possibly a medieval tower or Civil war works.

Parish:Hopton Castle, South Shropshire, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SO37NE
Grid Reference:SO 3667 7796

Related records

21681Part of: Hopton Castle Inner Bailey (Monument)
01167Related to: Hopton Castle tower keep castle with outer bailey 150m NW of Park Cottage (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA6011 - 2005 Geophysical Survey of Hopton Castle, Shropshire by Stratascan
  • ESA6307 - 2005 Earthwork survey at Hopton Castle, Shropshire by English Heritage
  • ESA6415 - 2009 Geophysical Survey of Hopton Castle, Shropshire by GSB Prospection


At the extreme NE extent of the inner bailey is an enlarged terminal, possibly the site of a medieval tower or possible Civil war works. <1>

High resistance response during a geophysical survey in 2005, indicating possible stone remains <2>

During a geophysical survey in 2009 responses in this area possibly represent structural remains, due to the rectangular form. Some of these anomalies correlate with the earthworks marked on the current OS mapping and may relate to the defences.<3>

<01> Bowden M, 2005, Hopton Castle, Shropshire: a survey of the earthworks (Field survey report). SSA23332.

<02> Elks D, 2005, Geophysical Survey Report, Hopton Castle, Shropshire (Geophysical survey report). SSA22428.

<03> Wood E et al, 2009, Geophysical survey report: Hopton Castle, Shropshire (Geophysical survey report). SSA23523.


[01]SSA23332 - Field survey report: Bowden M. 2005. Hopton Castle, Shropshire: a survey of the earthworks. English Heritage Rep. AI/20/2005.
[02]SSA22428 - Geophysical survey report: Elks D. 2005. Geophysical Survey Report, Hopton Castle, Shropshire. Stratascan Rep. J 2057.
[03]SSA23523 - Geophysical survey report: Wood E et al. 2009. Geophysical survey report: Hopton Castle, Shropshire. Geophysical Surveys of Bradford Rep. 2009/26.
Date Last Edited:May 13 2010 10:03AM