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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):31374
Name:Possible garden features, adjacent to Bromfield Grange
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:None recorded

Monument Type(s):

  • DOVECOTE? (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1540 AD)
  • GARDEN? (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1540 AD)


Earthwork survey identified a series of earthwork features, which were interpreted as the plough damaged remains of formal gardens, related to the possible high status residence comprised of a double moated site to the W (PRNs 01171, 31376). The earthwork remains of a possible dove cote was also recognised.

Parish:Bromfield, South Shropshire, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SO47NE
Grid Reference:SO 48011 76810

Related records

31375Parent of: Possible garden features, adjacent to Church of St Mary, Bromfield (Monument)
01171Part of: Bromfield moated grange (Monument)
31376Part of: Possible earthwork remains of moated site, adjacent to Bromfield Grange (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events

  • ESA7414 - 2014 Geophysical and topographical survey at Bromfield by University of Exeter


Earthwork survey identified a series of earthwork features, which were interpreted as the plough damaged remains of formal gardens, related to the possible high status residence comprised of a double moated site to the W (PRNs 01171, 31376). ->

-> This hypothesis may be supported by the evidence from earth resistance survey, which demonstrated a series of anomalies which might be further elements of this designed landscape. Further archaeological research iwas recommended, to clarify with greater certainty the character of this activity. However, the earthwork survey identified a sub-circular mound at the extreme west of the survey area (centred SO 4808 7682), which possibly represents the site of a dovecote. The remains of a probable dovecote close to the entrance of the priory gatehouse demonstrates that the monks were actively involved in developing their immediate surroundings. ->

-> Possibly replaced by formal gardens adjacent to the church (PRN 31375). <1>


[01]SSA27732 - Field survey report: Wright D, Trick, S and Creighton, O. 2014. Bromfield, Shropshire: geophysical and topographical survey report. University of Exeter. Area A.
Date Last Edited:May 27 2020 12:37PM