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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):32853
Name:Possible prehistoric enclosure incorporated into medieval castle defences, Whittington Castle
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:None recorded

Monument Type(s):


A number of aerial photographs suggest the continuation of earthwork banks to the N of Whittington Castle [see PRNs 01003 and 30825] which have been suggested as forming part of the earthwork defences of the castle, possibly occupying part of a prehistoric ditched enclosure.

Parish:Whittington, Oswestry, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ33SW
Grid Reference:SJ 32446 31303

Related records

01003Part of: Whittington Castle (Monument)
35335Related to: Excavated section of ditch of postulated Roman date, reinterpreted as a trackway, land S of Whittington School (Monument)
30825Related to: Possible earthworks, south of Whittington Castle (Monument)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events: None recorded


The earthwork defences at Whittington have always presented an enigma that defies easy parallel with other castles. An irregular arrangement of either two or three concentric ditches provides an impressive defensive shield on the south and west sides, but the ditches end abruptly at the north-west corner of the outer bailey. Research in 2001 demonstrated that the two ditches to the west of the castle continue northwards for another 150m or so, curving slightly east as they continue the defensive circuit, towards the main road. This evidence was obtained from aerial photographs [<2>] and confirmed by geophysical survey and coring [<3>]. At present, questions still remain about the function, dating and full extent of this ditched enclosure, which appears to date from the later prehistoric period. <1>

Nothing particularly clear on LiDAR. <4>

Area photographed during aerial survey in 2017 - nothing particularly apparent. <5>


[01]SSA29119 - Archaeological fieldwork report: Brown P. 2015. Whittington Castle, Shropshire [draft phase 5 report]. Peter Brown Associates Rep. pp1-2.
[02]SSA16927 - Oblique aerial photograph: Musson Chris R. 1983-Aug-03. CPAT 83/14/0024A to 0026A and 0029A to 0030A (5 photos). CPAT 83-14-26A, 83-14-29A.
[03]SSA22237 - Geophysical survey report: Terra Nova. 2002. A geoarchaeological study of Whittington Castle. Terra Nova Rep.
[04]SSA24735 - Geospatial data: Environment Agency. 2014. LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) Hillshade Model.
[05]SSA29577 - Oblique aerial photograph: Shropshire Council. 2017-Jul-20. SA1702-174 to SA1702-177 (4 photos) Flight: 17_SA_02. Colour. Digital.
Date Last Edited:Apr 13 2022 10:49AM