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Shropshire HER

HER Number (PRN):35187
Name:Sub-surface remains of high status Roman building, The Boathouse, Wroxeter
Type of Record:Monument
Protected Status:None recorded

Monument Type(s):


A watching brief in 2021 recorded ex situ deposits, including a number of finds indicative of a high status Roman building - including tesserae recovered from a wall mosaic and a suggested pedalis tile, perhaps part of a hypocaust. It is suggested that the material has been derived from close by, on the plateau overlooking the river crossing and floodplain at Wroxeter.

Parish:Wroxeter and Uppington, Shrewsbury and Atcham, Shropshire
Map Sheet:SJ50NE
Grid Reference:SJ 56192 08159

Related records

02808Part of: "Wroxeter Castle" (Hall Orchard) (Monument)

Associated Finds

  • FSA2707 - HYPOCAUST TILE? (Roman - 43 AD to 410 AD)
  • FSA2709 - SHERD (Roman - 43 AD to 410 AD)
  • FSA2708 - TESSERA (Roman - 43 AD to 410 AD)

Associated Events

  • ESA9570 - 2021 Watching brief at The Boathouse, Wroxeter by Nigel Baker (Ref: 20/01199/FUL)


A watching-brief at The Boathouse, Wroxeter, monitored excavations into the bank behind the house to accommodate a new extension, following a previous evaluation (July 2020). Most of the bank was found to be composed of natural gravel, with layers of colluvial topsoil-like soils on top containing Roman (and later) pottery and other artefacts that probably derive from well-preserved deposits at the top of the bank, just outside the area of the watching-brief. A group of small tegulae cemented together was interpreted as having derived from a wall mosaic; this and an extra- large tile thought to be derived from a hypocaust, point to the presence of a high-status Roman building on the plateau at the top of the slope. ->

-> Further work on the artefacts was recommended; as well as wider non-intrusive survey. <1>


[01]SSA31845 - Watching brief report: Baker Nigel J. 2021. An archaeological watching-brief at the Boathouse, Wroxeter. Nigel Baker Rep.
Date Last Edited:Aug 27 2021 1:09PM