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Suffolk HER

Suffolk HER Number (Pref. Ref.):HFD 011
Unique number (MonUID):MSF11626
Type of Record:Monument
NGR:TM 3390 7437


Mound, motte or small ringwork?, within cropmark of small rectangular enclosure, within former irregular field boundary cropmark, to W of Huntingfield Hall complex.

Monument Types

Associated Finds: None recorded

Protected Status: None recorded


Mound, motte or small ringwork?, within cropmark of rectangular enclosure, within former irregular field boundary cropmark, to W of Huntingfield Hall complex.
`(5) Mound. Probable Motte, ? Bailey' - handwritten notation on OS record map (S1). OS record card (R1) not seen.
Depicted as discontinous circle of circa 50m diameter labelled 'Earthwork (site of)' on OS map of circa 2000. Nothing shown on OS maps of 1880s and early 1900s - later editions not seen but presumably depicted as circular earthwork on one of these. . Nothing shown on OS 1st edition 1 inch map of 1837.
Field named 'Lower Brick Kiln' in tithe apportionment of circa 1846
Circa 1970s: sketch plan and measured section drawings of earthwork described as 'Remnants of mound/tumulus' by Jack Shields (MAFF & amatuer archaeologist) - copy in parish file (S5).
April 1971: aerial photograph appearing to show earthworks of circular motte/mound (?) and ditch within sub-rectangular (double?) ditched (& banked?) sub-rectangular enclosure (S4).
June 1986: circular cropmark, circa 50m diameter,within rectangular cropmark circa 80m (or much more - AP unclear) X 70m, situated within cropmark of former (extant on early 1900s and 19th century maps) field boundary on AP (S2).
1991: still surviving as denuded earthwork of ditch with low internal bank (S3).
Plotted on HER map after (S4) though length to east uncertain.
Med pottery scatter and several lead ampullas inside - see med.

Features visible on Lidar. See associated files.


[S1](No record type): OS, 1:10560 record map, TM 37 SW, handwritten notation, undated. (SSF12676)
[R1](No record type): OS, record card, TM37SW5. (SSF15247)
[S2](No record type): SCC, vertical AP, 1986, 3586 075 (Ipswich). (SSF21123)
[S3]Unpublished document: Suffolk County Council Archaeologcial Service. Site Report. Newman J (SAU), Dec 1991, map. (SSF50006)
[S4]Photograph: Air Photographs. East Suffolk County Council, AP, HSL UK 71 35 run 35 S74 0065, 11/4/1971. (SSF50106)
[S5]Unpublished document: Survey. Jack Shields (MAFF), undated. (SSF50064)

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