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List Entry Summary

This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.

Name: 1, 2 and 10, Sowerby Hall

List Entry Number: 1134459


1, 2 and 10, Sowerby Hall, Town Gate

The building may lie within the boundary of more than one authority.

District: Calderdale
District Type: Metropolitan Authority
Parish: Non Civil Parish

National Park: Not applicable to this List entry.

Grade: II

Date first listed: 15-Nov-1966

Date of most recent amendment: Not applicable to this List entry.

Legacy System Information

The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.

Legacy System: LBS

UID: 339408

Asset Groupings

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List Entry Description

Summary of Building

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Reasons for Designation

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Legacy Record - This information may be included in the List Entry Details.


This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 5 May 2021 to remove superfluous source details and reformat the text to current standards

SE 0423 and SE 0523 12/276 SOWERBY BRIDGE Sowerby TOWN GATE (north side), Nos 1, 2 and 10 Sowerby Hall

15.11.66 GV II House, now three dwellings. Dated "IH IH 1646", Isobel and Joshua Houghton (Kendall 1910, p.169). Rubble brought to course, stone slate roof. Two storeys, two gabled bays with rear range projecting to right and through-passage.

North front: quoins, chamfered plinth. Gabled porch to right of centre with chamfered, shallow-basket-arched doorway, kneelers, coping, finial and inner doorway in similar surround. Double-chamfered mullion windows: right-hand bay has window now of two-lights with six-light window above, both with hoodmoulds. Left-hand bay has (from right) a window now of two-lights, a cross-window, and a four- now three-light window with transom, the two left-hand lights made into a deeper sash. Continuous hoodmould with spiral stops over these windows, and above them a six-light mullion and transom window with a small chamfered light to its right. In valley between bays a hole for gutter spout. Coping. Shaped finials. External stack on left side.

Rear (south front): chamfered surround to through-passage doorway, the lintel dated and with cornice on consoles. To right, two two-light double-chamfered mullion windows under continuous hoodmould with carved stop. To left, a six-light flat-faced mullion window and two tall eight-pane sashes in double-chamfered surrounds (formerly cross-windows) under dripmould with shield stops. To first floor three two-light double-chamfered mullion windows flanking a six-light and a two-light flat-faced mullion window. Two gutter spouts Hipped roof. Two stacks at ends of ridge and one at eaves at right end. Right return openings include traces of two two-light double-chamfered mullion windows under hoodmoulds to ground floor and a five-light double-chamfered mullion window above. Left return: front range: a blocked two-light window, two gutter spouts; rear range: a blocked three-light double-chamfered mullion and transom window to right of later door and window, a semicircular hoodmould with head stops to left on first floor, and an oculus above.

Interior: No 2: south room (housebody) has fine fireplace with deep segmental-arched lintel and moulded, step-stopped surround with cabling in spandrels. Chamfered, quoined, segmental-arched doorway into bookroom. North room has chamfered spine beams and large fireplace with chamfered quoined surround and sink, cushioned spandrels. Two moulded doorways lead off through-passage into what is now No 1. No 1 has, in south room, a quoined fireplace with remnants of moulded lintel, one panelled wall and panelled doors. First floor: No 1 south room has moulded, Tudor-arched fire-place, the spandrels with circles and initials "IH IH"; in north room a quoined angle fireplace. One good board and muntin door with moulded panels. Similar door to first floor of No 2, and also two stop-chamfered quoined doorways (one now window) . Joshua Horton was a JP and friend of Oliver Heywood (Kendall 1902).

Listing NGR: SE0420423220

Selected Sources

Books and journals
Kendall, H P, 'Antiquarians at Sowerby. A Pleasant Ramble' in Halifax Antiquarian Society, , Vol. 1, (1902), .
Kendall, H P, 'Sowerby Hall' in Halifax Antiquarian Society, , Vol. 7, (1910), 169-200


National Grid Reference: SE 04204 23220

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This copy shows the entry on 23-Oct-2024 at 12:53:58.