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List Entry Summary

This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.


List Entry Number: 1190593



The building may lie within the boundary of more than one authority.

District: North Yorkshire
District Type: Unitary Authority
Parish: Great Ouseburn

National Park: Not applicable to this List entry.

Grade: II

Date first listed: 12-Dec-1988

Date of most recent amendment: Not applicable to this List entry.

Legacy System Information

The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.

Legacy System: LBS

UID: 331835

Asset Groupings

This List entry does not comprise part of an Asset Grouping. Asset Groupings are not part of the official record but are added later for information.

List Entry Description

Summary of Building

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Reasons for Designation

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Legacy Record - This information may be included in the List Entry Details.


GREAT OUSEBURN MAIN STREET SE 4461-4561 north-east side) 9/20 Yeoman's Cottage GV II House. 1637 on datestone; C19 and C20 alteration and extension. Timber- framed, the front rendered; rear pink-brown brick in stretcher bond. Pantile roof and brick and rendered stacks. 3-cell, lobby-entry plan with continuous outshut; left bay an extension. 2-storey, 4-window front. Centre right panelled double doors in gabled projecting porch. Datestone over porch, carved in shallow relief, reads: Anno Dom .16 * 37. . R* *T . * Windows are small-pane, horizontal sliding sashes, 3-light on ground floor and 2-light on first floor. Centre right and left stacks, and right end external stack. Interior. Six braced posts from four pairs, raised on padstones, are visible. On ground floor, in room to left of entrance, original bressummer and plank door on cockshead hinges survive. Both rooms to left of entrance have massive chamfer-stopped spine beams, chamfered joists and stud partition wall. Studding survives in rear wall of left room. In right end room, C19 firegrate and breadoven, by Barker of Easingwold, inserted beneath chamfered bressummer. Plank door at rear. C19 closed string staircases in outshut with stick balusters, ramped-up handrail and tapered turned newels. At left end of outshut is original dairy, half sunk in ground. On first floor, wall studding survives between rooms to left of entrance.

Listing NGR: SE4504061617

Selected Sources

Legacy Record - This information may be included in the List Entry Details


National Grid Reference: SE 45040 61617

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This copy shows the entry on 27-Jul-2024 at 02:09:33.