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List Entry Summary

This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.

Name: Lyttleton House

List Entry Number: 1389994


Lyttleton House, Malvern Road

The building may lie within the boundary of more than one authority.

County: Worcestershire
District: Worcester
District Type: District Authority
Parish: Non Civil Parish

National Park: Not applicable to this List entry.

Grade: II

Date first listed: 22-May-1954

Date of most recent amendment: 12-Jun-2001

Legacy System Information

The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.

Legacy System: LBS

UID: 488945

Asset Groupings

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List Entry Description

Summary of Building

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Reasons for Designation

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SO85SW 620-1/3/679

WORCESTER Lower Wick MALVERN ROAD (OFF), (South side) Lyttleton House (Formerly listed as: LOWER WICK, Lyttleton House)

22/05/54 II House. c1680-1720, probably in two stages of build; with later additions and alterations including early/mid C19 refenestration and interior panelling c1945. Whitewashed brick in Flemish bond with plain tile roof; pinkish-brown brick stacks with oversailing courses and pots; renewed brick copings. Probably originally through passage plan, with central entrance to main range, range to right and additional range to rear parallel to main range. Main range of two storeys plus attics, five first floor windows, with two storey, one window range to right.

MAIN RANGE: Three course first floor band and three course band over second floor; 6/6 flush-frame sashes with timber sills throughout with cambered arches to ground floor and elliptical arches to first floor; three hipped attic roof dormers have casement windows; central entrance a five-panel door (lower two panels flush beaded, upper two are glazed), overlight with glazing bars and renewed hood; end stacks. Range to right has 15/15 flush-frame sash to ground floor and 10/15 sash to first floor, under elliptical arches; right end stack. Modillion eaves cornice extends over both ranges. Renewed raised and coped gable ends with kneelers at left and right.

INTERIOR: ground floor now has large hall to centre and right with panelling, staircase from ground to first floor and chimneypiece inserted c1945 from SS Olympic. Original staircase from first floor to attic has onion-on-bobbin balusters, closed string. Further service staircase. Chamfered beams, some boxed beams, and elm floors. Three two-panel doors with HL hinges; some six-panel doors; attic has plank doors. Attic has exposed trenched purlins and principal rafters. Attic walls have close studding.

HISTORICAL NOTE: Francis Reeve ran a school here attended by the composer, Edward Elgar. Lyttleton was the maiden name of Reeve's mother.

Selected Sources

Books and journals
Buckley, R J, Living Masters of Music, (1904), 8


National Grid Reference: SO 84104 52745

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This copy shows the entry on 27-Jul-2024 at 03:07:50.