HER 24154 DESCRIPTION: Post-medieval and undated features identified in 2020 geophysical survey on land at Draycott, Cam, Stroud. Includes linear features representing former field boundaries (some featured on historic mapping) and both large and small discrete features. 2020 - Geophysical Survey was undertaken on land at Draycott, Cam in an area identified for potential residential development and school construction. "Two of these relate to linear arrangements of enclosures projecting perpendicular from a boundary or track feature. The third is a single rectilinear enclosure. It is likely that these represent an interconnected area of settlement. This is thought to be Iron Age or Romano-British in date, similar settlements identified in the surrounding area. Large enclosure and boundary features surround the three areas of settlement, suggesting agricultural activity. Many of the features identified appear be truncated by ridge and furrow activity. It is possible that further archaeological activity is present on the site but has been heavily plough damaged. Areas of increased magnetic response could be evidence of such features. To the west of the settlement activity, an area of disturbance has been identified, which appears to respect the boundary of settlement. The origin of this is unclear, but it may be associated with removal of woodland. The strong responses in this area have the potential to mask weaker archaeological anomalies. There is no evidence for the archaeological features extending in to the north-east of the site. It is likely that this represents a genuine lack of archaeological activity across the north-eastern section of the site. The remaining anomalies are thought to be modern in origin. These include areas of disturbance associated with the construction of the Midlands Railway Bristol and Birmingham line to the north of the site, footpaths, services, and field drains." {Source Work 17362.} 2021 - Evaluation of land at Draycott in Cam, Stroud. Post-medieval field boundaries were identified in 7 trenches, and a number are visible on historic mapping or the area as well as in the previous geophysical survey. Some potential features seen in geophysical survey appear following excavation, to be post 1800 land drains or of natural geological origin. One large anomaly also seen on historic OS mapping appears to be a modern pond. {Source Work 17367.} |