HER 34117 DESCRIPTION:- Listed Building Description: ARLINGHAM SO 70 NW 5/1 The Reddings II 09/12/86 Detached villa. Mid C19. Rendered, shallow hipped slate roof with deep projecting eaves soffit decorated with moulded diamond shapes, rendered ridge stacks. Nearly square range of 2 storeys, with painted brick rear wing to left and returning behind main range to form U-shape. South front has 3 windows, 12-pane sashes with louvred wood shutters. Ground floor has large similar with series of narrow arches along top level of panes, and window to right replaced below top (plain) row by C20 glazed doors. Elaborate carved wood verandah with lead roof across width of ground floor. Entrance front to east has one 12-pane sash to left on first floor, and large later C19 conservatory across ground floor on moulded stone plinth with series of 12-pane sashes, with flat arch glazing bars inserted into top panes of each. Door to right of 6 moulded panels with raised decoratively shaped centres, with decorative radial fanlight. North side has radial glazed long round-headed sash window, probably lighting a stair. Listing NGR: SO 72969 09176. {Source Work 1004.} |