More information : "Little Chesterford (TL 530415). In 1259 Richard, Duke of Gloucester, had leave to build a castle at Manhall Manor. This Domesday site, which is not shown on the OS maps, has now been located as a deserted moat on a map of about 1800 in the Essex Record Office (D/DU 120). When the site was cleared and levelled about 25 years ago a tiled floor was disturbed by ploughing. F Weightman and F Gomm found a damp hollow surrounding a slight mound, about 36ft by 32ft, and a spread of debris, Roman brick, flints and dressed stone, with evidence of destruction by fire. Roman, medieval and later sherds were collected. An adjacent field is called Wardcroft". (1) Earthworks visible at TL 530416. (2) The site of Manhall moat, shown on the map of about 1800, is centred at TL 53004154. It formerly measured about 100.0m east-west by 60.0m north-south with an entrance across the centre of the south arm. The site, which lies on the crest of a prominent south facing spur, is now reduced to amorphous undulations in plough, with several vague stone scatters indicating the site of possible buildings. According to Mr D Smith, the area has produced pottery from 10th century onwards, but only random Romano-British sherds have been found. No evidence has been found to substantiate the suggestion of a castle site. The two informants (authority 1) were known to Mr Smith, but have since left the district. The earthworks seen by authority 2 represent enclosures associated with the former moated site; visible on OS air photographs (c), but now ploughed out. (3)