More information : (TL 69758185) (2) Earthworks approximately 132ft in diameter but not exactly circular. (1-2) Excavated in 1948, a section was cut through the ditch and into the central portion (see plan). No post holes were seen but domestic animal bones, sling stones, Roman-British and 2nd C Samian ware found. Romano-British pottery discovered at a relatively high level in the silting of the ditch suggests the work is of Early Iron Age date. (3) TL 69758187. This feature was bulldozed some years ago and in now ploughed regularly. It shows as a slightly depressed peaty circle enclosing an area with a higher lime content than the surrounding land. Surveyed at 1:2500. (4)
The cropmark remains of a large ring ditch which is visible on aerial photographs taken in 2011. Earlier field observations noted by the previous authorities record an Early Iron Age earthwork - probably the barrow mound (now levelled) and finds including animal bones, sling stones, Roman pottery which may be related with the barrow or later usage of the site. Two further smaller possible Bronze Age barrows can also be seen as cropmarks to the north and south of this site. These are recorded separately. (5) |