HER 4157 DESCRIPTION:- Small extant mound clipped by modern field boundary {Source Work 863.} OS Composite unclear not a barrow similar to 4158 {pers comm S Brown} Grinsell 1959 '16 paces diameter by 4foot high'. Stoney mound covered with bushes, S of modern day stone wall probably a round barrow ' well preserved mound, ploughed around on arable (at edge of field) and only slightly encroached upon. Stoney mound, but cover preventing detailed examination {Source Work 470.} AREA ASSESSMENT :- Slight plough encroachment {Source Work 470.} An area avoiding this site was pegged out in Jan 1993 during proposals for an afforestation scheme. As a result of alterations to field boundaries in this area (pre 1990) the barrow now lies near the northwestern corner of a field; the mound has been slightly eroded by a farm track on the northern side and by ploughing on the southern side. It is however otherwise well preserved, c10m in diameter and surviving to a height of c1.25m. No ditch is apparent. The mound is covered by a dense thicket of trees and scrub. 2009 Cotswold Hills/South Cotswold NMP A Bronze Age round barrow is visible as an earthwork on aerial photographs. The round barrow measures 32 metres east-west and 12 metres north-south on aerial photographs taken in 1946. The northern side of the barrow, parallel to the field boundary is flat, and the arc of the barrow extending to the south has developed a steep scarp as a result of being ploughed. This barrow was originally recorded as one of a pair of bowl barrows (see SP 10 NE 18 / 329693). {Source Work 4249.} |