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Central Bedfordshire, Bedfordshire Borough Council and Luton Borough Council logo

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Name:MOAT, Palace Yard Wood
HER No.:816
Type of Record:Monument


Substantial circular medieval moat, with rectilinear enclosures attached

Grid Reference:TL 130 545
Map:Show location on Streetmap

Full Description

The site comprises the remains of a medieval moat and associated enclosures, woodland bank and cultivation earthworks. The moated site is located in the centre of the Palaceyard Wood and is roughly circular in shape, measuring approx 70m in diameter including the surrounding water filled moat which is between 6m and 12m wide. The island is slightly raised above the surrounding area, with the remains of prominent outer ramparts visible on the western edge of the ditch. An outflow channel runs to the north with a further channel and an embanked ditch to the west leading away from the moat.
The moated enclosure is the focal point of a complex of some 14 associated enclosures defined by banks, ditches and scarps. Some of the enclosures have been subdivided to form smaller closes or fields, The interior of one of them, at the north east corner of the site, is covered by low narrow ridge and furrows, thought to be relict cultivation earthworks. The largest enclosure covers the whole of the southern part of the wood and probably marks the original boundary of the medieval woodland and may pre-date the moated site. This woodland enclosure is itself enclosed by a small copse bank marking the edge of the post 1813 enclosured woodlands.

The 1813 Enclosure Award map shows the site called Plash Yard Wood, the name possibly derived from "palis" or "paleis", a palisade, which may have been a feature of one of the enclosures. The site is probably related to the settlement at Wood End (HER487) and there are documentary references to a manor at Wood End, which may have been this site.

The site is a Scheduled Ancient Monument (No. 11536)

Protected Status: None recorded

Monument Type(s):

  • MANOR (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • MOAT (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • POND (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
  • RIDGE AND FURROW (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)

Associated Finds: None recorded

Associated Events: None recorded